

Learning to be an Airman in high school

Learning to be an Airman in high school

Lt. Col. Eric Yates
38th Construction and Training Squadron commander

This is homage to an Army NCO (or noncom as they were called back then). Sergeant 1st Class Lyvon Edgar (a retired Korean War veteran) was the coach of my high school junior ROTC drill team. During my senior year we went undefeated in six competitions, culminating with the Southeast Region Championship at Fort Benning, Ga. We reached this level of excellence because of his daily inspiration.

May 13, 2005 ×


Accept it – change is constant

Accept it – change is constant

Maj. Kevin Payne
435th Communications Squadron deputy commander


May 13, 2005 ×


America’s jury system: We the people

America’s jury system: We the people

Capt. Javier Rivera
21st Theater Support Command, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate

Each year since its establishment in 1957 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Americans have celebrated the first of May as Law Day. It is a day to reflect on our great heritage of liberty, justice and democracy.

May 6, 2005 ×


National Nurses Week: Many roles, one profession

National Nurses Week: Many roles, one profession

Capt. Darren Damiani
435th Medical Operations Squadron

National Nurses Week recognizes the impact nurses and medical technicians make to the lives and health of their patients. It is May 6 to 12 each year as a commemoration to Florence Nightingale, whose birthday is May 12. She was the founder of professional nursing and it was her performance as a nurse 150 years ago during the Crimean War that forever altered professional nursing. The changes she implemented in the care of the wounded in the spring of 1854 reduced the mortality rate from 42 to 2 percent. That pattern of excellent care continues today in military healthcare.

May 6, 2005 ×


KMC Asian Pacific Americans celebrate heritage in May

Senior Airman Kerry Solan-Johnson
Kaiserslautern American

Quick, name five notable Asian Pacific Americans. Having trouble? If a few names like Ann Curry, “Today Show” host; Maya Lin, Vietnam memorial designer; M. Night Shyamalan, film director and screenwriter; Gen. Eric Shinseki, U.S. Army Chief of Staff; or Tiger Woods, golf pro; didn’t come to mind, then May […]

April 29, 2005 ×


COMUSAFE presents ACE coins

Master Sgt. Mona Ferrell
USAFE News Service

Two members of Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe were presented with Airmen Committed to Excellence coins here recently.
Mandy Smith-Nethercott, USAFE Services chief of marketing, and Stephen Mulligan, Air Forces Europe senior intelligence analyst, were presented with the coins by Gen. Robert H.

April 29, 2005 ×


Tony’s story: brother’s lesson in drug abuse

Tony’s story: brother’s lesson in drug abuse

Col. Robert Winston
86th Airlift Wing vice commander

It was Saturday morning, May 5, 1995, when the police told me my brother was dead. They told me over the telephone and were very cavalier about it. But I understand why they were so callous. My brother had died of a heroin overdose, and they probably figured that I was another junkie too.

April 22, 2005 ×


Force shaping calls for leadership by example

Force shaping calls for leadership by example

Chief Master Sgt. Gary Coleman
USAFE Command Chief Master Sergeant

As we all know, the Air Force is going through a force shaping that

April 22, 2005 ×


Supporting the war

Supporting the war

Col. Randy Dobbins
435th Medical Operations Squadron commander

Probably one of the most common questions I

April 15, 2005 ×


Army Values guide our Soldiers in tough timesSoldiers in tough times

Army Values guide our Soldiers in tough timesSoldiers in tough times

Command Sgt. Maj. Jerry L. Reid
21st Theater Support Command Sergeant Major

At no time in my career have I ever been more proud to be a Soldier! I am honored to work alongside Soldiers of the 21st Theater Support Command, who demonstrate the values our Army demands, especially in these tough times.

April 15, 2005 ×