

Supporting the war

Supporting the war

Col. Randy Dobbins
435th Medical Operations Squadron commander

Probably one of the most common questions I

April 15, 2005 ×


Army Values guide our Soldiers in tough timesSoldiers in tough times

Army Values guide our Soldiers in tough timesSoldiers in tough times

Command Sgt. Maj. Jerry L. Reid
21st Theater Support Command Sergeant Major

At no time in my career have I ever been more proud to be a Soldier! I am honored to work alongside Soldiers of the 21st Theater Support Command, who demonstrate the values our Army demands, especially in these tough times.

April 15, 2005 ×


Kleber clinic – not just a ‘Soldier clinic’

Kleber clinic – not just a ‘Soldier clinic’

Dr. Evan Steil
Kaiserslautern Health Clinic medical director

There exists a misconception among many servicemembers and their dependents that the Kaiserslautern Health Clinic on Kleber Kaserne serves only Soldiers.

April 8, 2005 ×


Succeeding in the combat zone

Succeeding in the combat zone

Lt. Col. Rod Radcliffe
1st Communications Maintenance Squadron commander

Imagine you have just received your deployment tasking for the next AEF rotation

April 8, 2005 ×


Isn’t it about time?

Isn’t it about time?

retired Chief Master Sgt. Bob Vásquez
Contributing writer


April 1, 2005 ×


Zestful leaders mold positive outlook, attitude

Zestful leaders mold positive outlook, attitude

Maj. David Carlson
52nd Equipment Maintenance Squadron

Attitude is the No. 1 trait for success among leaders. The vast majority of leaders and mentors I have known throughout my life who

April 1, 2005 ×


Fulfilling core expectations of Airmen

Fulfilling core expectations of Airmen

Lt. Col. John Reid
37th Airlift Squadron commander

In serving in the Air Force for more than 17 years, I have learned Airmen have core expectations. I believe these are

March 18, 2005 ×


KMC celebrates National Volunteer Week

KMC celebrates National Volunteer Week

Lt. Col. Erik Daiga
415th Base Support Battalion

For the past 32 years, our country has nationally recognized community volunteers during the month of April.

March 18, 2005 ×


Optimism through deployments, danger

Master Sgt. Derrick Crawford
21st Theater Support Command

As a public affairs NCO, I get to tell my unit

March 11, 2005 ×


Good supervisors are long remembered

Master Sgt. Connie Leah
Headquarters USAFE, Reserve Affairs

I am a personnelist and while that may not sound exciting to some, it is rewarding to me.

March 11, 2005 ×