

6S process leads to successful Air Force

Capt. John M. Amodeo
86th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

Try saying

January 21, 2005 ×


A little concern goes a long way

Maj. Susan Bowes
435th Medical Operations Squadron

A guy I know, Jim, was stationed at Osan, Korea, a few years back and told this story. He was living in the dorms and was leaving to go get something to eat. He had noticed that a guy down the hall had been looking down, so he decided to invite him to go with him. The guy declined the offer so Jim went on alone but brought him back something to eat. The guy invited him in, and they ate their dinner together in the dorm room. Jim never really became friends with the guy but would talk occasionally and say hi.

January 21, 2005 ×


What do you do as a cordon sentry?

What do you do as a cordon sentry?

Capt. Paul Zwilling
435th Security Forces Group

How do you react to seeing lights and sirens and emergency responders busy redirecting traffic and the base populace or attending to injured personnel? How do you react when you are told to evacuate your building or are turned away from going to your desired destination? How can you help as a cordon sentry?

January 14, 2005 ×


Mosul, OIF patients receive best care

Mosul, OIF patients receive best care

Col. Rhonda Cornum
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center commander

The bombing of a U.S. military dining facility in Mosul caused a late December influx of critically wounded servicemembers to arrive at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center

January 14, 2005 ×


Looking forward … through reflection

Looking forward … through reflection

Lt. Col. Rich Moon
435th Logistics Readiness Squadron commander

***image1***“Have a Happy New Year” was probably said to me at least 50 times in December. It got me thinking about what we’ve accomplished and, more importantly, what challenges lie ahead for 2005. I’ve been in the logistics readiness squadron commander’s seat for six months. My plan of attack was […]

January 7, 2005 ×


The cost of readiness … ‘Always Ready’

The cost of readiness … ‘Always Ready’

Lt. Col. Linda Ebling
86th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron commander

It was time to call it a day

January 7, 2005 ×


Going above, beyond Combat Care for holidays

Going above, beyond Combat Care for holidays

Maj. Gen. Mike Gould
3rd Air Force commander

From time to time, we all need to step back from the hectic pace of our daily routines to get a good perspective check. You know, get out the

December 17, 2004 ×


DUI costs stripes, salary, priceless reputation

Airman 1st Class Jeremy Spengler
723rd Air Mobility Squadron

I am writing this, not as a supervisor telling one of his Airmen not to drink and drive, but as an Airman trying to help another Airman. On Feb. 22, I was all packed up ready to go to sunny Charleston, N.C., for a two-week TDY when a

December 17, 2004 ×


Celebrating life, remembering those lost

Celebrating life, remembering those lost

Maj. Gen. Bennie Williams
21st Theater Support Command commanding general

Earlier this year, I was at my desk when word reached me that the first 21st Theater Support Command Soldier had been killed in action in Iraq. Kaiserslautern

December 17, 2004 ×


Resolve to reach out for holidays, new year

Resolve to reach out for holidays, new year

Col.Robert Kane
86th Airlift Wing commander

Wow, it

December 17, 2004 ×