Kaiserslautern hosts town hall for families
Making the KMC better for Soldiers and their families is the motivation
for the town hall meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Kaiserslautern
Community Activities Center, Bldg. 3109 on Daenner Kaserne.
Making the KMC better for Soldiers and their families is the motivation
for the town hall meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Kaiserslautern
Community Activities Center, Bldg. 3109 on Daenner Kaserne.
With only 49 days to go before Election Day, the 21st Theater
Sustainment Command has begun offering voting assistance for its
military and civilian personnel on Panzer Kaserne.
While there was a lot of talk of baby-steps, the combined impact leaves
a significant footprint. Day three of the recent Family Readiness Group
Leader Certification course at Pulaski Barracks seemed to be firmly in
the hands of members of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command.
It opened a new chapter in the lives of the 21st Theater Sustainment
Command Soldiers who were inducted into the NCO Corps Sept. 12 during a
ceremony at Armstrong
Q Why is the Ramstein Arts and Crafts Center not handicapped-accessible? The activities that go on in the Arts and Crafts Center certainly could improve the quality of life for disabled persons. A I know firsthand this is an important issue – several in my family have had to rely […]
I am a voice systems journeyman assigned to the 1st Combat
Commun-ications Squadron on Ramstein. My duties include operating and
maintaining tactical communications equipment such as a deployable
telephone switch called a Basic Access Module and a Global Broadcast
System. I recently returned from a deployment that forced me to step
out of my communications comfort zone and threw me into the world of
force protection.
An 86th Airlift Wing major was killed after an explosion in Islamabad, Pakistan, Sept. 20.
U.S. Army Europe Soldiers tested their skills with several German
weapon systems Sept. 10 when their German partnership unit hosted a
Schützenschnur on a German rifle range just outside the city of
Have you ever wished you could tell your leaders what you think? That
power will soon be at your fingertips with the launching of the 2008
Air Force Climate Survey Wednesday to Oct. 8. During that time,
individual e-mail invitations will be sent out Air Force-wide that will
include a survey link and easy-to-follow instructions.
On the day that millions of Americans and people from around the world
paused to remember those who perished in New York City, Pennsylvania
and at the Pentagon when enemies of the United States committed
unspeakable acts of terror against America, the 21st Theater
Sustainment Command also paused to remember their fallen.