

Exhibit displays work of missing WWII aircraft group

Exhibit displays work of missing WWII aircraft group

Residents of the KMC will soon have an opportunity to learn about WWII plane crashes in their neighborhood.

From Sunday until the end of September, the

May 30, 2008 ×


435th MDOS continues to soar

435th MDOS continues to soar

by Airman 1st Class Ruth Holcomb
435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

Commitment to

May 30, 2008 ×


USAFE program builds partnerships

USAFE program builds partnerships

by Capt. Erin Dorrance
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

U.S. Air Forces in Europe patches can be seen around the world because of the


May 30, 2008 ×


How may I direct your call?

by Capt. Erin Dorrance
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

It is perhaps the busiest office on Ramstein, receiving 11,000
telephone calls daily. The office bustles with German, English, French,
Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and other languages.

May 30, 2008 ×


TKS Cable TV reception

Monday, TKS will initiate a series of technical upgrades to the head-end receiving station located on Ramstein. As a result, the normal broadcast of TKS Cable channels within the KMC area will be interrupted. The upgrades will improve the reception and picture quality of TKS cable channels and will also […]

May 30, 2008 ×


Commander’s Action Line_123

Q Why are we at Ramstein, as
ambassadors to Germany, not recycling enough? I don

May 30, 2008 ×


ARIs – What is it going to take?

by Tech. Sgt. Michael Voss
435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

As another weekend approaches here at Ramstein, one thing is a sure bet

May 30, 2008 ×


Renters’ insurance protects servicemembers

1st Lt. Lyndie M. Freeman
435th Air Base Wing Judge Advocate Office

Take a few minutes and estimate the total value of everything you own in your apartment or rented house. Add up the value of your electronics (your computer, stereo, TV, MP3 player), your furniture, clothing, shoes, appliances, pictures, towels, linens, kitchenware, games and everything else. If you added up everything […]

May 30, 2008 ×


Testing, testing 1-2-3

Testing, testing 1-2-3

by Airman 1st Class Nathan Lipscomb
435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

Teaming up with more than 40 participating nations, 1st Combat
Communications Squadron used Combined Endeavor 2008 to plan, prepare
and practice using a full range of communications equipment, policies
and procedures prior to deploying for NATO missions and emerging,
real-world crisis situations such as the evacuation of Lebanon and
response to natural disasters.

May 23, 2008 ×


KMC commander honored and ready to go

KMC commander honored and ready to go

by Col. Bill Bender
86th Airlift Wing and KMC commander

I am honored and pleased to have been recently designated the KMC
commander and wanted to share a few of my thoughts concerning the roles
and responsibilities I will have in fulfilling this duty.

May 23, 2008 ×