Safety has no price at Pulaski Auto Skills
Don Breton, the U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern
Heidelberg soon will be home to two U.S. Army garrisons
The 86th Airlift Wing recently found ways to reduce performance report
processing time by more than 30 days using Air Force Smart Operations
for the 21st Century LEAN process preparation.
Lynn Heirakuji, deputy assistant secretary of the Army for personnel
oversight, toured Bamberg facilities and met with 16th Sustainment
Brigade leaders and Soldiers March 13.
Tips from “McGruff,” the KMC crime dog***image1*** 1. Lock your doors when you leave your home or dorm room. 2. Lock your vehicles whenever they will be unattended. 3. Do not drink and drive. 4. Do not drive and talk on your phone at the same time. 5. Secure all high […]
In addition to the names listed in the March 14 issue of the KA, the following individuals are senior master sergeant selects:
As the New Year is still in its early stages, it is an excellent time
to consider the importance of overall health and wellness. Most
individuals typically begin their New Year
Servicemembers assigned in Europe have the opportunity to complete the
2008 Overseas Housing Allowance Survey, which will be conducted until
April 17.
Annually, the Per Diem Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee
uses the data
As the world watched rioters in Belgrade, Serbia, assault the U.S.
Embassy in protest to Kosovo
The Army in Europe Retiree Council is inviting retired Soldiers living in Europe to apply for membership.