

First priority: Patient safety

The 435th Medical Group is joining other leading health care
organizations around the globe in celebration of Patient Safety
Awareness Week, Sunday to March 8.

This year, the week is focused on safe medication management and
effective communication as the patient safety tools of choice. The

February 29, 2008 ×


General court-martial

by Senior Airman Monica Gomez
435th Air Base Wing military justice paralegal

A member of the 435th Security Forces Squadron was tried in a general
court-martial and found guilty of one specification of violating a
lawful general order by wrongfully possessing sexually explicit
material within the U.S. Central Command Area of Responsibility in
violation of General Order 1-A, in violation of Article 92 of the
Uniform Code of Military Justice;

February 29, 2008 ×


Hot! Hot!

Hot! Hot!

Story and photos by
435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

Billowing smoke and screaming casualties are what firefighters from the
435th Civil Engineer Squadron fire protection flight faced Feb. 11,
during a mass casualty exercise here.

February 29, 2008 ×


An Air Force family history

by Staff Sgt. Mareshah Haynes
332nd Air Expeditionary Wing

My family has been in the same business for more than 65 years now. It
started with my grandfather in 1941. He handed it off to my father in
1976 and my father handed it to me in 2001.

February 29, 2008 ×


Transforming the Air Force

by Robert Ely
Air Force Materiel Command

One of the top Air Force leaders involved in engineering a broad
transformation in aircraft maintenance processes and organizational
structures arrived at Ramstein Feb. 19 to talk with senior leaders,
wing commanders and maintainers from the 86th Maintenance Squadron and
86th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

February 29, 2008 ×


Teamwork imperative

Teamwork imperative

by by Airman 1st Class Kenny Holston and Petra Lessoing
435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

Team Ramstein provided support for the visit of President George W.
Bush to Africa Feb. 15 to 21. U. S. Air Forces in Europe, 3rd Air
Force, the 435th Air Base Wing and the 86th Airlift Wing deployed
servicemembers and equipment to assist Joint Task Force-Nomad Fire in
Benin, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ghana and Liberia.

February 29, 2008 ×


Transition requires training

Compiled Story and photo Story and photos by Andrew Lucas
700th Contracting Squadron

Major conversion coming for Government Purchase Card banking interface The Web site Government Purchase Card users and approving officials use to accomplish monthly reconciliations and administer accounts will be converted from the Customer Automation and Reporting Environment to U.S. Bank’s Access Online March 10. This new interface is a Department […]

February 22, 2008 ×


“Camp Odie” prepares Airmen

“Camp Odie” prepares Airmen

***image1*** ***image2*** ***image3***

February 22, 2008 ×


Hold the phone!

Hold the phone!

Compiled Story and photo Story and photos by Maj. Jim Trachier
435th Communications Squadron

No one person is responsible for the staggering $80,000 phone bill for
Ramstein each month, but hold the phone; many are contributing to it.

February 22, 2008 ×


Protect your teeth; wear a mouthguard

Compiled Story and photo Story and photos by Dr. Benjamin Gantt
435th Dental Squadron

Proper equipment is a necessity when participating in sports.  

Playing softball without a bat or soccer without a ball would be
difficult. A mouthguard is one piece of equipment that is often
overlooked when packing your gym bag. An athlete is 60 times more
likely to suffer harm to the teeth when not wearing a mouthguard. 

February 22, 2008 ×