

Rental cars may not have snow tires

Compiled Story and photo by Petra Lessoing
435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

Customers renting a car from a rental agency in winter should make sure the car is equipped with snow tires.

February 15, 2008 ×


New rules for drivers in Europe

The German government asked the U.S. Forces in Germany to change from
fuel coupons to an automated fuel ration card. The change from fuel
coupons will take place gradually thru each military community across
Germany from July to November. All U.S. Forces personnel who are
stationed in Germany should be aware of this change since it will
affect all who have been paying for fuel from AAFES stations and ESSO
stations in Germany with fuel coupons.

February 15, 2008 ×


Putting the STOP to sexual assault

Putting the STOP to sexual assault

Compiled Story and photo by Dr. Thomas Appel-Schumacher
U.S. Air Forces in Europe

The U.S Air Forces in Europe Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
program is offering several performances by a professional acting
company that specializes in teaching people about preventing
relationship violence.

February 15, 2008 ×


‘I have no business being alive’

‘I have no business being alive’

Compiled Story and photo by Capt. Tobias Switzer
1st Special Operations Group

In the early morning hours of Nov. 26, 2007, a pickup truck traveling
westbound on Interstate 10 in the Florida Panhandle hydroplaned off the
road. It spun 180 degrees and traveled backward down a steep embankment
into a tree line. The vehicle came to a violent stop after hitting a
tree on the passenger side. Insurance estimates considered the accident
a total loss. Police and rescue workers who arrived on the scene within
10 minutes did not think it was possible for anyone to survive a crash
like this.

February 15, 2008 ×


Do I need a German Emissions ‘Umweltzone’ sticker?

The answer is maybe, but most likely no. Decals are only required if
traveling into environmental green zones (inner city zones with high
pollution levels).

February 15, 2008 ×


Germany butts out!

Germany butts out!

Compiled Story and photo by Petra Lessoing
435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

Starting today, Rheinland-Pfalz and the state of Saarland will join
other German states in a public smoking ban. Initially, the plan was to
implement the law in November 2007. But with regards to heavy monetary
losses for the carnival associations, it was postponed until after
Fasching season.

February 15, 2008 ×


Coming home

Coming home

Compiled Story and photo by Dave Melancon
U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs Office

U.S. Army Europe leaders and community agencies responsible for the
reintegration of Soldiers and civilian employees returning from
deployment will soon find updated tools at their disposal.

February 15, 2008 ×


Postal Ops: We deliver for you!

Postal Ops: We deliver for you!

Compiled by 1st Lt. Troy Shettlesworth
435th Communications Squadron

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays behind us, the KMC postal
team paused to reflect on the record mail volume processed during the
2007 holiday season.

Having worked 55 hours per week on average, the postal team delivered
more than two million pounds of mail, including 70,000 parcels, to more
than 30,000 customers in December. 

February 8, 2008 ×


Strength of the families, Army

Strength of the families, Army

Compiled Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Adam V. Shaw
16th Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs

Brig. Gen. Scott G. West, commander, 21st Theater Sustainment Command,
met with the 16th Sustainment Brigade Family Readiness Group leaders,
Family Readiness Support assistants and senior leader spouses at Warner
Barracks in Bamberg, Jan. 24.

February 8, 2008 ×


Bronze Star recipient_1

Bronze Star recipient_1

Staff Sgt. Jayson Wells, team leader of the 332nd Explosive Ordnance
Disposal Flight, Balad Air Base, Iraq, was awarded the Bronze Star
medal Jan. 24 for meritorious conduct from Jan. 9 to June 25, 2007,
during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Sergeant Wells was deployed from the
435th Civil Engineer Squadron.

February 8, 2008 ×