USAFE summer safety campaign highly praised
The Air Force marked one of its safest summers during this year
The Air Force marked one of its safest summers during this year
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The following is an
Miesau Army Depot is looking better than it has in years, sporting a
new recreation center, beautification projects and renovations to the
fire department, chapel and gym.
Hidden out in the woods, about two miles west of Ramstein, is a small shop of 20 Airmen answering the call to fly, fight and win.
Razors anyone? Sgt. Joe Padilla, from the U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern, has plenty − $1, 608.32 worth
Recent terrorism arrests by German authorities underscore the importance of prudent force protection measures. U.S. Air Forces in Europe Airmen and families are urged to make force protection a part of their daily lives