Courtesy of the 435th Civil Engineer Squadron
The familiar sight of the Schumacher company employees in their green
uniforms emptying exterior waste receptacles and picking up trash
around Ramstein is a thing of the past. It is now up to Ramstein
citizens to keep the base and community clean.
April 20, 2007 ×
Courtesy of the 435th Vehicle Readiness Squadron
In December 2006, USAREUR published new POV inspection criteria that
combine requirements from a variety of sources and provide clearer
inspection guidance to ensure POVs comply with host nation laws.
April 20, 2007 ×
Story and photo by Capt. Jennifer Lovett
USAFE Public Affairs
Medics from the U.S. Air Forces in Europe arrived in Accra, Ghana,
April 7 as part of a medical exchange initiative with the Ghana
military and to help further a Naval research study on leishmaniasis, a
parasite that causes skin sores.
April 20, 2007 ×
Courtesy of the Ramstein SARC office
Sexual Assault Awareness Month reinforces the Department of Defense
April 20, 2007 ×
Gen. David D. McKiernan
Commanding general, 7th Army and USAREUR
April 20, 2007 ×
Gen. George W. Casey, Jr.
Army Chief of Staff
Soldiers, Civilians and Families of the United States Army, I am
extremely proud to be taking charge of an organization that is rightly
regarded as the best in the world. I have watched the men and women of
our Army in action for the past several years in the most demanding
combat environment.
April 20, 2007 ×
Monica Mendoza
Kaiserslautern American
Col. Earl Matthews promised Wednesday to focus on four key areas
April 20, 2007 ×
1st Lt. Ken Malloy
1st CBCS
April 13, 2007 ×
Courtesy of 3rd Air Force Public Affairs
Lt. Col. Mark Swiney was recently named the 3rd Air Force Individual
Mobilization Augmentee of the Year for 2006. Colonel Swiney is the
Chief of current operations within A3, Directorate of Operations.
April 13, 2007 ×