Courtesy of CC-Air HQ public information office
The Allied-Air Component Headquarters-Ramstein recently received an
F-16-type jet mock-up for installation on the premises. Presented in a
typical flying display in front of the building, the jet comes from the
Royal Netherlands Air Force inventory and was procured thanks to
contacts by former CC-Air Chief of Staff, Major General Leo van den
Born (left, with Gen. Tom Hobbins, USAFE commander).
February 16, 2007 ×
Courtesy of the 435th Mission Support Squadron
Ramstein civilian GS/GM employees and their supervisors are required to
take the following courses as part of the transition to the new
National Security Personnel System.
February 16, 2007 ×
Courtesy of the 435th Security Forces Squadron
When you pull up to the gate for entry, does the guard
February 16, 2007 ×
Thomas WarnerLRMC Public Affairs
Kids are welcome in some patient waiting areas of Landstuhl Regional
Medical Center, but not all the time and not everywhere. Of course,
when the child is the patient, they are always welcome. It
February 16, 2007 ×
Courtesy of USAFE Public Affairs
Three squadrons from the 435th Air Base Wing were recently recognized by U.S. Air Forces in Europe for superb performances.
February 16, 2007 ×
Courtesy of the 435th Dental Squadron
Preventive dental care has dramatically improved the oral health of
American children. Nowadays, it is possible for many children to reach
adulthood without ever experiencing tooth decay.
February 16, 2007 ×
Gen. David McKiernan
Commanding General, 7th Army and USAREUR
I recently changed USAREUR policy on physical training and Sergeants
Time Training. The intent of this change is to give commanders more
flexibility in determining when to conduct training. The new policy is
as follows.
February 16, 2007 ×
Nate Cairney
Kaiserslautern American
A passenger plane takes off from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, bound
for a short hop to Munich. Somewhere over central Germany, the plane
drops off the radar screens of civilian air traffic controllers. What
happens next?
February 16, 2007 ×
Master Sgt. James Greenlee
The 1st Communications Maintenance Squadron was the
February 9, 2007 ×