Gen. David McKiernan
Commanding general, 7th Army and USAREUR
The loss or theft of a Department of Defense ID card is a serious
matter, one that represents a significant security risk to the U.S.
Forces in Europe. Each time an ID card is lost or stolen, the chance of
an unauthorized individual obtaining access to our installations
increases. It is therefore essential that cardholders take extra
measures to protect their ID cards.
December 8, 2006 ×
Maj. Lisa Neidinger
3rd Air Force Public Affairs
While Airmen around U.S. Air Forces in Europe were gathering to
celebrate Thanksgiving, duty called for more than 450 other Airmen in
seven European countries to support the NATO Riga Summit in Latvia.
December 8, 2006 ×
Robert Szostek
U.S. European Command Customs Public Affairs
Many European countries have a tradition of making nativity scenes at Christmas time that Americans love to buy. However, the natural products used to make them are often banned from import to the United States because of the agricultural pests that could be nested in them.
December 1, 2006 ×
Nate Cairney
Kaiserslautern American
December 1, 2006 ×
Capt. Erin Dorrance
Kaiserslautern American
As 400 applicants lined up at Army Airborne School the first day, there was a lot of buzz about a 45-year-old Air Force colonel who was in their class to endure the grueling course in hopes of receiving his jump wings.
December 1, 2006 ×
Staff Sgt. Brian Hill
Kaiserslautern American
The 435th Medical Group broke ground Nov. 16 on a new 6,200 square foot addition to Bldg. 2114, the Ramstein primary care facility.
December 1, 2006 ×
Monica Mendoza
Kaiserslautern American
On just about any day of the week Ramstein Commissary Store Director Harry Nichols can stand in front of the store and watch people drive in circles, in search of a parking spot.
December 1, 2006 ×