FBI trains military police, Polizei in Kaiserslautern
The Federal Bureau of Investigation taught a one-week basic crisis negotiation course Oct. 23 to 27 on Kapaun Air Station.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation taught a one-week basic crisis negotiation course Oct. 23 to 27 on Kapaun Air Station.
Driving convoys, building defense fighting positions and throwing elbows in hand-to-hand combat were all incorporated into the Combat Readiness Course Oct. 20 through today at Bitburg Air Base.
A new Kaiserslautern school complex is one of two issues going forward
to Army leadership from the U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern 2006 Army
Family Action Plan Conference.
This was going to be a story about an individual Airman who won a major
award for making a positive global impact in flight nursing.
But the award winner, Maj. Chris Paige of Ramstein
When it comes to going that extra mile in pursuit of providing customer
service, Airman 1st Class Nickolas Caldwell has journeyed far
In an effort to maintain a quality enlisted force and meet mandated end
strength the Air Force will accelerate the date of separation for
certain Airmen based on their years of service and reenlistment
eligibility or assignment availability codes.
Hamburgers and hot dogs sizzled as 86th Airlift Wing chiefs and first
sergeants cooked on the new BBQ grill at the 86th AW dormitory Monday
on Dorm Appreciation Day.
A small nestle of tents with overarching satellites was the scene at
the 1st Combat Communications Squadron
Three ways to help save unit money in the coming fiscal year are to
minimize Microsoft software contract fees, to turn excess IT hardware
into the Defense Reutilization Management Office and to minimize
Reports of Survey.
Airmen who were recalled from or unable to take annual leave this past
year for reasons such as support for contingency operations may be
allowed to accumulate more than the normal 60 days after the fiscal
year ends.
Special leave accrual carry-over also applies to Air
Force Reserve and Air National Guard members who performed full-time
training or other full-time duties for 30 days or more.
Airmen who lost leave may carry over the following leave amounts: