

Soccer ball diplomacy: Airmen visit Niger

Soccer ball diplomacy: Airmen visit Niger

Capt. Erin Dorrance
Kaiserslautern American

Niger villagers were smiling ear-to-ear in July when 14 Ramstein Airmen handed out 30 soccer balls and 1,000 pounds of rice.

August 11, 2006 ×


Rendering proper respect not an option

Chief Master Sgt. Gary G. Coleman
U.S. Air Forces in Europe Command Chief Master Sergeant

If you

August 11, 2006 ×


Unattended children in cars a dangerous choice

Capt. Erin Dorrance
Kaiserslautern American

Consider this scenario: a mother straps in her three-year-old toddler
and six-month-old baby as her bulky key chain hangs from her mouth. As
she is strapping them into their car seats, a gust of wind knocks the
diaper bag off the roof of her SUV, spilling the contents onto the hot
pavement. She takes deep breaths, situates her children and takes off
for errands around Ramstein.

August 11, 2006 ×


USAREUR hosts Vienna Document visit

USAREUR hosts Vienna Document visit

Christine June
U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern

***image1***“Going above and beyond” was expressed in about 30 languages regarding the Vienna Document 1999 Military Installation Visit held Aug. 1 and 2. “They (U.S. Army Europe) went further than the provisions of the Vienna Document,” said Lt. Col. Prasenjit Chaudhuri, head of the Switzerland Verification Unit for the Vienna […]

August 11, 2006 ×


Ramstein hosts NATO interoperability initiative

Ramstein hosts NATO interoperability initiative

An exceptional guest visited Ramstein from  July 17 to 20

August 4, 2006 ×


Returning 37th TRANSCOM personnel greeted joyously

Angelika Lantz
21st Theater Support Command, Public Affairs Office

Goose bumps and chills in humid, 90-plus degree heat?  Far from
impossible, it seemed to be a common affliction last Friday at the
Kleber Gymnasium, Kaiserslautern, when the arrival of the busses
carrying 37th Transportation Command Soldiers was announced shortly
before 8 a.m.

August 4, 2006 ×


Warrior of the week

Warrior of the week

August 4, 2006 ×


Heat halts Nijmegen march

Heat halts Nijmegen march

Sgt. Chris Higginbotham
Sgt. Chris Higginbotham

The planned four-day march beginning July 18 in Nijmegen, the
Netherlands, was canceled following the first day due to excessively
hot weather which was blamed in the deaths of two participants and
medical problems for hundreds of other marchers.

August 4, 2006 ×


2007 Force Shaping message released

by Master Sgt. Mitch Gettle
Air Force Print News

Air Force officials recently announced new Force Shaping initiatives to
be used to meet the required 2007 fiscal year end strength numbers.

August 4, 2006 ×


Army streamlines service uniforms

Army service uniforms will be streamlined to one blue Army Service Uniform, the Army announced recently.

August 4, 2006 ×