

101 Critical Days of Summer

The clock is ticking

May 26, 2006 ×


KMC Medical Missions

KMC Medical Missions

May 19, 2006 ×


Civil Engineer’s Corner

Garbage Tips:

Disposing of garbage is an easy task but there are few things that
sometimes are forgotten. When disposing of your household garbage, make
sure that there isn

May 19, 2006 ×


Savusa is new USAREUR command sergeant major

Savusa is new USAREUR command sergeant major

The new U.S. Army, Europe and Seventh Army command sergeant major,
Command Sgt. Maj. Iuniasolua Tului Savusa, officially assumed his
duties during a May 5 ceremony at Heidelberg

May 19, 2006 ×


86th team assesses Botswana airlift capabilities

86th team assesses Botswana airlift capabilities

Nate Cairney
Kaiserslautern American

In extreme south Africa, sitting next to strife-torn Zimbabwe and
possessing the second highest adult HIV prevalence rate in the world,
Botswana hardly seems like a country whose defense forces would have
C-130 avionics that the most powerful air force in the world does not.

May 19, 2006 ×


86th MXS working hard to get ‘LEAN’

86th MXS working hard to get ‘LEAN’

Nate Cairney
Kaiserslautern American

What does it mean to get lean? For an athlete, it means working hard
and eating right to strip away anything that isn

May 19, 2006 ×


Wings win Air Force awards

May 19, 2006 ×


Commander’s Action Line

Q Last week I was driving toward the West Gate to
leave the base. It was almost dark. I was coming around the curve.
There was a bicyclist riding in the right lane bottlenecking traffic.
There was a bicycle path parallel to the road just on the other side of
the curb. The rider was wearing a yellow reflective belt. However,
because the rider was bent over, the belt was barely visible. This
created an unsafe situation for the rider, a traffic hazard for the
motorists, and a traffic slow-down.  I realize that a bicycle is a
vehicle and has certain rights on the road. However, if there is a
bicycle path parallel to the road, shouldn

May 19, 2006 ×


SECAF urges ‘service before self’

SECAF urges ‘service before self’

Michael W. Wynne
Secretary of the Air Force

This past February, in my Letter to Airmen addressing our three USAF
Core Values, I shared these thoughts on Service Before Self:

May 19, 2006 ×


AADD: Volunteers give time to save lives

AADD: Volunteers give time to save lives

Monica Mendoza
Kaiserslautern American

There are at least 1,600 people in the KMC who believe passionately
that people should not drink and drive. So much so, that last year they
each gave up one of their own Friday or Saturday nights, and early
mornings, to volunteer with the Armedforces Against Drunk Driving
program. They waited by the telephone between the hours of midnight and
6 a.m. and they responded. Last year, the AADD volunteers took nearly
3,500 people safely to their homes.

May 19, 2006 ×