Capt Steven J. Peña
1st CBCS Flight Commander
More than 140 personnel from 10 NATO and Partnership for Peace
countries converged on Eagle Base, Tuzla in Bosnia-Herzegovina in May
with one mission: to conduct safe interoperability testing and document
the results.
June 16, 2006 ×
Spc. Todd Goodman
LRMC Public Affairs
June 16, 2006 ×
David McKiernan
Commanding General, 7th Army and USAREUR
Three months ago I implemented the Summer 2006 Lifesaving Campaign. One
of the campaign goals was to combat alcohol- and drug-related deaths.
Despite our best efforts, we have yet to succeed.
June 16, 2006 ×
Mr. Robert Pohlod
Are you tired of trying to remember numerous passwords? Are you
interested in saving a few minutes of your time every day? Ever wonder
how you can better secure the network? Then read on about the DoD
June 16, 2006 ×
Capt. Tracy Page
Kaiserslautern American
In the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, American forces landed
gliders and dropped troops out of C-47s to secure the French
countryside before the major beach landing in Normandy.
June 16, 2006 ×
Nate Cairney
Kaiserslautern American
Approximately, 95 million people tune in each year to watch the Super
Bowl. Advertisers pay millions of dollars for 30-second spots, and
American athletic immortality is guaranteed to the winning team.
June 9, 2006 ×