

PAX terminal opens new wing

PAX terminal opens new wing

Airman 1st Class Edward Drescher
Kaiserslautern American

A ribbon cutting ceremony to signify the opening of a new wing in the Ramstein Passenger Terminal took place in front of the perfect backdrop Feb. 10 at the terminal. As the ceremony kicked off, a Patriot Express mission plane carrying troops downrange could be seen pulling away from the terminal.

February 17, 2006 ×


Get´re-blued´trust your people

Maj. Dave Story
36th Logistics Readiness Squadron commander

I recently had the privilege and honor of presiding over the retirement ceremony for a very successful 26-year veteran.

February 17, 2006 ×


The moral compass

Col. Jackson R. Dobbins
435th Medical Operations Squadron commander

Now that we

February 17, 2006 ×


CASF gets permanent home

CASF gets permanent home

Monica Mendoza
Kaiserslautern American

Visitors came to the new, permanent, Contingency Aeromed-ical Staging Facility at Ramstein Feb. 10 to celebrate a moment in military history: the opening of the biggest and busiest facility of its kind.

February 17, 2006 ×


Combat Education Programs

ACSC study group
Air Command and Staff College Study Group is open to active duty, National Guard, and Reserve 04 selects or above of any component of the U.S. Armed Forces, international officers in the grade of 04, and Department of Defense civilian employees in the grade of GS-11 or above. Seminars and study groups may start at any time. There is no longer a worldwide calendar for ACSC seminars. Students may enroll by contacting the education office, Bldg. 2120, Room 421, or call 480-2032. If you are interested in participating in a study group, contact Maj. Jeremy Townsend, 480-8753 or e-mail

February 10, 2006 ×


Reintegration line key in happy returns for deployers

Senior Airman Amaani Lyle
Special to Kaiserslautern American

More than 160 military members returned here from contingency operations Jan. 30, and nearly all Ramstein-based returnees were able to participate in the KMC Family Support Center and Combat Care reintegration briefing process.

February 10, 2006 ×


President signs law against human trafficking

The President of the United States signed into law the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005, Jan. 10.

February 10, 2006 ×


Memorial held

A memorial service was held Wednesday in the Landstuhl Chapel for Army Reserve Capt. Marta Maltby, 55, who was found dead by her roommates Jan. 31 on Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Captain Maltby was an intensive care unit nurse assigned to the 328th Combat Support Hospital (Army Reserve) out of Salt Lake City, Utah. She worked at LRMC for one year and was scheduled to return to the United States at the end of February.

February 10, 2006 ×


“Commitment to Caring”

“Commitment to Caring”


February 10, 2006 ×


AF Assistance Fund campaign begins Monday

This year

February 10, 2006 ×