

Zambia visit

Zambia visit

***image1***Col. Rob Kane, 86th Airlift Wing commander, hands coins to Lt. Col. Washington Chalwe and Capt. Chondela Manjimela, both from the Zambia air force public affairs office. The officers, including two others, toured the public affairs offices at Ramstein Air Base Nov. 8 during their three-day visit here.

November 18, 2005 ×


Safety during ORE

Monica Mendoza
Kaiserslautern American

Next week, 435th Air Base Wing and the 86th Airlift Wing Airmen will practice for the April Phase II Operational Readiness Inspection

November 11, 2005 ×


November honors the military family

Senior Airman Kerry Solan-Johnson
Kaiserslautern American

November is the month of the military family, and to celebrate, the Ramstein Family Support Center will hold events ranging from a mobility line for kids to a parents

November 11, 2005 ×


Air Force announces fiscal 2006 CJR quotas

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas – The Air Force announced the fiscal 2006 quotas for the career job reservation program recently, adding three Air Force Specialty Codes to the constrained list, and releasing 13.

November 11, 2005 ×


America Recycles Day 2005
Servicemembers should learn proper way of recycling

“America Recycles Day” is Tuesday. Servicemem-bers should use the day to ensure recycling awareness at homes and offices. Recycling is mandatory per German law and Air Force Instruction, but more importantly, it’s the right thing to do. The success of the recycling program depends on everyone. The U-Fix-It stores provide […]

November 11, 2005 ×


Sexual assault offenders pay for a lifetime

1st Lt. Erin Dorrance
Kaiserslautern American

When the Department of Defense received 2004 sexual assault allegation numbers, it decided to implement new policies to strengthen the Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Program.

November 11, 2005 ×


Great American SmokeoutCommit to quit

Great American Smokeout
Commit to quit

Are you thinking about quitting tobacco? Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of smokers who would like to quit. The Ramstein Health and Wellness Center can help you use the Great American Smokeout Thursday to make the commitment to quit. Even if you are not ready to quit now, you can use this day to get prepared for the day when you will quit for good.

November 11, 2005 ×


’Tis the season for giving

Lt. Col. Thomas Joyce
435th Mission Support Group deputy commander

“The military takes care of its own.”  I’ve heard that my whole career and have witnessed the truth of the statement time and time again.  As we move into the holiday season, that statement and our commitment to it become even more important. Many of our troops are away from […]

November 11, 2005 ×


Veterans Day: Walking in the Shadows of Great Airmen

Veterans Day: Walking in the Shadows of Great Airmen

Gen. Robert H.

At 1100 on the 11th day of the 11th month, a combined color guard representing all military services executes

November 11, 2005 ×


Air Force announces COMUSAFE retirement

The U.S. Air Force announced the retirement of Gen. Robert H.

November 11, 2005 ×