Airman 1st Class Edward Drescher
Kaiserslautern American
Maj. Kirk Faryniasz, an air mobility liaison officer for the 2nd Air Support Operations Squadron in Würzburg, Germany, was recently awarded the Bronze Medal for his contribution in the Global War on Terrorism.
August 26, 2005 ×
Emily Reagan
Kaiserslautern American
The first day back to school just got a little more pleasant for students, thanks to the help of Team Ramstein and their Combat Proud spirit.
August 26, 2005 ×
Col. Rich Weathers
38th Combat Support Wing commander
Throughout my 28 years in the Air Force, I
August 26, 2005 ×
Christine June, Story and photo
415th Base Support Battalion
Good news is generating from American Forces Network Kaisers-lautern with the return of its AM 1107 Thursday after more than two months of static and work starting Monday to improve reception on the local TV channel 26 and FM 100.2.
August 26, 2005 ×
Master Sgt. Mona Ferrell, Story and photo
USAFE News Service
August 26, 2005 ×