

A Moment in Air Force History: Days of Remembrance

Senior Master Sgt. Frederick Smith
435th Air Base Wing History Office

This year is the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II; it concluded with Japan signing surrender documents aboard the USS Missouri Sept. 2, 1945. This war was responsible for the death of approximately 22 million military members from all sides. Of all the war

May 6, 2005 ×


Army Nat’l Guard completes KMC construction projects

Army Nat’l Guard completes KMC construction projects

Christine June
415th Base Support Battalion

Construction projects are getting done throughout KMC Army kasernes thanks to the 204th Engineer Battalion, an Army National Guard unit based at Binghamton, N.Y.

May 6, 2005 ×


Hidden Heroes

Hidden Heroes

***image1***Col. Bob Otto, 435th Air Base Wing vice commander, recognizes Capt. Nathan Philips, 76th Airlift Squadron, with a Hidden Heroes award for volunteer time with Armedforces Against Drunk Driving. The colonel also recognized squadron spouses Kathy Philips and Alicia Marie Holmgren for their volunteer hours. Mrs. Philips devoted time to […]

May 6, 2005 ×


Combat and Special Interest Program Notes

Combat Education Registration for Term V is now through May 20. Call the Ramstein Education Office at 480-2032. Book club Project Wizard’s Book Club meets at 4:30 p.m. May 17 at the Vogelweh Library. Call 489-7665 for details. Project Connect Mary Eisenhower speaks to KMC members at 1 p.m. Thursday […]

May 6, 2005 ×


Chiefs offer wisdom at Connect event

Capt. Robert Risko
37th Airlift Squadron

The 86th Operations Group held its quarterly Project Connect call here April 22.

May 6, 2005 ×


Chow down!

Chow down!

***image1***Family members of deployed personnel enjoy a meal provided by Combat Care at the 38th Construction and Training Squadron compound on Ramstein.

May 6, 2005 ×


LRMC projects done

Spc. Todd Goodman
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center

The Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Facilities Management Branch recently completed construction on two projects, including an eye clinic and conference room at the hospital.

May 6, 2005 ×


Filing a PCS claim

Capt. Patrice Pugh
435th Air Base Wing Legal Office

The procedures and deadlines for filing a PCS claim apply regardless of whether members are PCSing in or out of the KMC.

May 6, 2005 ×


Commander’s Action Line

Commander’s Action Line

***image1***Issue: I’m writing to you concerning the problem of drivers leaving their cars running. As we know from the driver’s examination, to leave a car running is against German law. I have spoken with those I see doing this and reminded them of that fact. Usually the response is, “I was only […]

May 6, 2005 ×


86th MXG announces 6S competition winners

86th MXG announces 6S competition winners

Chief Master Sgt. Terry Keene
86th Maintenance Group

The 86th Maintenance Group announced the winner of its 6S competition at the Maintenance Professional of the Year banquet Saturday.

May 6, 2005 ×