Why should I wear a helmet?
Everyone should wear a bicycle or skateboard helmet
Everyone should wear a bicycle or skateboard helmet
I have a concern with our force protection at the base entry points. On numerous occasions, I have observed American- and German-plated vehicles ignoring the security guards direction to pull over for a vehicle inspection.
At no time in my career have I ever been more proud to be a Soldier! I am honored to work alongside Soldiers of the 21st Theater Support Command, who demonstrate the values our Army demands, especially in these tough times.
A-6 autobahn construction continues this summer and traffic to and from Ramstein will be affected as early as April 22.
***image1***Maj. Patrick Shea and Capt. Jeffrey Nelson, 435th Medical Operations Squadron, and Airmen 1st class Robert Rose and Jasper Almosara, 435th Aerospace Medicine Squa-dron, prepare a wounded Airman – played by Staff Sgt. Eric McCoy, 435th AMDS, – for transport during a medical group quarterly disaster training exercise March 31 […]
The Air Force Aid Society is here to help Airmen when money isn
U.S. Air Forces in Europe recently announced the winners of several command awards.