

Why should I wear a helmet?

Senior Master Sgt. Steven M. Benoit
435th Air Base Wing Safety Office

Everyone should wear a bicycle or skateboard helmet

April 15, 2005 ×


Commander’s Action Line

Commander’s Action Line

I have a concern with our force protection at the base entry points. On numerous occasions, I have observed American- and German-plated vehicles ignoring the security guards direction to pull over for a vehicle inspection.

April 15, 2005 ×


Supporting the war

Supporting the war

Col. Randy Dobbins
435th Medical Operations Squadron commander

Probably one of the most common questions I

April 15, 2005 ×


Army Values guide our Soldiers in tough timesSoldiers in tough times

Army Values guide our Soldiers in tough timesSoldiers in tough times

Command Sgt. Maj. Jerry L. Reid
21st Theater Support Command Sergeant Major

At no time in my career have I ever been more proud to be a Soldier! I am honored to work alongside Soldiers of the 21st Theater Support Command, who demonstrate the values our Army demands, especially in these tough times.

April 15, 2005 ×


Construction to affect Ramstein traffic flow

Construction to affect Ramstein traffic flow

Airman Edward Drescher, Story and photo
Kaiserslautern American

A-6 autobahn construction continues this summer and traffic to and from Ramstein will be affected as early as April 22.

April 15, 2005 ×


Disaster training

Disaster training

***image1***Maj. Patrick Shea and Capt. Jeffrey Nelson, 435th Medical Operations Squadron, and Airmen 1st class Robert Rose and Jasper Almosara, 435th Aerospace Medicine Squa-dron, prepare a wounded Airman – played by Staff Sgt. Eric McCoy, 435th AMDS, – for transport during a medical group quarterly disaster training exercise March 31 […]

April 8, 2005 ×


Life’s cacophony brings band together

Life’s cacophony brings band together

Airman 1st Class Kerry Solan-Johnson
Kaiserslautern American

Last Minute had enough of the blues.
And it wasn

April 8, 2005 ×


AFAF helps Airman during family crisis

AFAF helps Airman during family crisis

Story and photo by Emily Reagan
Kaiserslautern American

The Air Force Aid Society is here to help Airmen when money isn

April 8, 2005 ×


Planning key to 435th CASF mission

Planning key to 435th CASF mission

Maj. Judith P. Patton, Story and photo
435th Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility administrator


April 8, 2005 ×


USAFE announces

U.S. Air Forces in Europe recently announced the winners of several command awards.

April 8, 2005 ×