

Safety helmets are mandatory

Brig. Gen. Rosanne Bailey
435th Air Base Wing, KMC Commander

I want to remind everyone that it is mandatory for all U.S. personnel to wear helmets while riding bicycles or skateboards on any installation within the KMC.

September 24, 2004 ×


– KMC Voter’s Corner –  Finding ways to make your vote count!

– KMC Voter’s Corner – Finding ways to make your vote count!

***image1***The Air Force Voting Assistance Program in the KMC is up and running. Unit Voting Assistance Officers at all levels and trained voting counselors are contacting military and civilian employees in every KMC Air Force organization. People can leave a message for me, Maj. Brad Hamant, the Installation Voting Assistance […]

September 24, 2004 ×


Diverse, dedicated team keeps Army rolling along

Diverse, dedicated team keeps Army rolling along

Cindy Quinn
General Support Center

I am extremely proud to be a member of the Kaiserslautern team in which the Military, Department of the Army civilians and local national employees all share the goal of ensuring that our deployed Soldiers have the most dependable vehicles and equipment, as well as the necessary supplies and services.

September 24, 2004 ×


Leadership toolbox creates mission success

Leadership toolbox creates mission success

Col. Randy Kee
86th Operations Group commander

Something that I have repeatedly professed and tried to live out as a commander

September 24, 2004 ×


A taste of Germany

A taste of Germany

***image1***Friedrich Daudistel peddles wine at the 435th Services Ramstein Welfare Bazaar Saturday. Many wine and food vendors attended the bazaar offering free samples as a way of enticing customers. The bazaar is an annual event organized by the Ramstein Officers’ Spouses Club.

September 24, 2004 ×


Chili’s reopens

Airman Edward Drescher
Kaiserslautern American


September 24, 2004 ×


CFC campaign kicks off

CFC campaign kicks off

 The 2004 Combined Federal Campaign-Overseas kicks off Oct. 4 and runs through Dec. 3 for all overseas combatant commands to include the KMC.

September 24, 2004 ×


Battalion gets closer to ‘the money’

Battalion gets closer to ‘the money’

Christine June
415th Base Support Battalion

The 415th Base Support Battalion is a step closer to earning as much as $2 million for their KMC programs and services.

September 17, 2004 ×


Clean hands for good health

With the influenza and cold season quickly approaching, proper hand washing plays a major factor in reducing the chances of catching and spreading the flu and common cold.

September 17, 2004 ×


Road narrows

Road narrows

***image1***The red and white rectangular sign Indicates road will narrow from one side. To learn more about German signs, visit the U.S. Army Europe’s Registry of Motor Vehicle Web site at http://rmv.hqusareu and click on the driver’s handbook section on the right side of the home page.

September 17, 2004 ×