Government owned vehicles for official use
As with all other resources provided by the Air Force, vehicles are provided for a specific purpose and should only be used in direct support of military duties.
As with all other resources provided by the Air Force, vehicles are provided for a specific purpose and should only be used in direct support of military duties.
The Ramstein Air Base runway is scheduled to undergo major repairs beginning Sept. 13 through 22
Around the world, the Airmen of our United States Air Force make a difference. From the collapse of the Soviet Union and Desert Storm more than a decade ago to our global planning and execution of air and space power today, Airmen have done more than their part for our nation.
***image1***Use a turn signal when exiting a traffic circle; not when entering one. To learn more about German signs, people can visit the U.S. Army Europe’s Registry of Motor Vehicle Web site at http://rmv.hq and click on the driver’s handbook section on the right side of the home page.
By the 1970s, Ramstein
Some wireless devices brought from the United States or ordered on-line from U.S. companies may not be authorized in Germany.
Each country owns its radio spectrum and can allocate this as it sees fit. Each country also has the right to say whether a particular electronic device is authorized to operate within its borders.
WASHINGTON — Spouses to Teachers, the Defense Department’s latest endeavor to help military spouses interested in teaching, is serving a similar purpose as the popular Troops to Teachers program, an official said.
“Information is a target.
Practice good OPSEC.
You never know who might be listening.