

Banking on technology

Banking on technology

Ken Robinson
KAHS teacher

What happens when you introduce an A+ certified computer specialist
with both a Cisco Certified Network Associate and an electronics
wizard?  You get OHIB Technical Solutions, a new business run by
Kaiserslautern American High School students.

June 9, 2006 ×


School Notebook

June 9, 2006 ×


Belgian community hid Jewish children

Belgian community hid Jewish children

Linda Gheysen
Sembach Middle School teacher

More than 60 years after the Jewish Holocaust, survivor Simon Steil
shared his story with seventh-graders at Sembach Middle School. Mr.
Steil was four years old when his parents and older brother were taken
from Belgium to Auschwitz where they were killed. He is in the
Kaiserslautern area visiting his son, Dr. Evan Steil, medical director
at Kleber Health Clinic. Mr. Steil

June 9, 2006 ×


School Notebook

School Notebook

June 2, 2006 ×


Sign up early for federal Student Meal Program

Sabine Koch
School Liason Office

The Ramstein and Landstuhl Schools Liaison Office has started the
revalidation process for the U.S. Department of Agriculture Free and
Reduced Student Meal Program.

June 2, 2006 ×


KMC students ready for the world
Deployed parents can see graduation ceremonies via webcast

When Kaiserslautern and Ramstein high school seniors cross the stage to
receive their diplomas, signaling the start of the next phase of their
lives, deployed parents, thousands of miles away, won

June 2, 2006 ×


JROTC teaches leadership, AF core values

JROTC teaches leadership, AF core values

Monica Mendoza
Kaiserslautern American

As Master Sgt. Maxine van der Kaap listened to three Junior Officer
Reserve Training Corps cadets describe the year they had in the
program, her smile widened.

May 26, 2006 ×


It’s a small world after allKMC students debate global concerns in Model United Nations club

It’s a small world after all
KMC students debate global concerns in Model United Nations club

Megan Buffington
Kaiserslautern American

***image1***“M.U.N. isn’t your normal debate club,” says Alex Dumke, a senior at Ramstein American High School. “It’s every aspect of high school rolled into one: a battle of the minds, the acting, the learning of new cultures — everything.” Not many are familiar with the highly-popular club Model United Nations, […]

May 26, 2006 ×


KMC pupils celebrate Law Day

Capt. Desiree Helmick
21st TSC Office of the Staff Judge Advocate

In 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower established May 1st as Law Day

May 19, 2006 ×


Agape kindergartners prepare for first year

Agape kindergartners prepare for first year

Future kindergartners and their parents met recently at the Agape
International Academy for its first Kindergarten Roundup April 27 at
the school in Ramstein.

May 19, 2006 ×