

Art in suitcase

Art in suitcase

***image1***Second-grader Pierre Larouche, in Amy Peaceman’s German immersion class at Landstuhl Elementary and Middle School, and parent volunteer Beth Tudan, examine Pierre’s clay hockey player June 1. Mrs. Tudan works with the “Art in a Suitcase” program, bringing the study of art and famous artists to LEMS kindergarten to third-grade […]

June 10, 2005 ×


In the field

In the field

***image1***Jeanne Karstendiek, a volunteer at Sembach Elementary School, plays parachute games with Karen Coomes’ first-grade class during field day activities June 2.

June 10, 2005 ×


Technical ed from the inside out

Technical ed from the inside out

Chuck Anderson, Story and photo
Kaiserslautern American Middle School

Students in the Computer Applications class at Kaiserslautern Middle School recently went through a series of lessons to develop their own virtual computer.

June 10, 2005 ×


The Backstreet Café 5-star dining in the KMC

The Backstreet Café 5-star dining in the KMC

Sheri Byrd, Story and photos
Kaiserslautern American

The Backstreet Café is an exclusive, invitation-only 5-star dining experience. Few KMC residents realize this quality restaurant exists on Vogelweh, tucked in to the corner of an otherwise well-used facility.

June 10, 2005 ×


Teacher of the Year

Teacher of the Year

***image1***Athanasia (Athy) Lionikis of Kaiserslautern American Middle School discusses the differences between Greek and Roman Art with her sixth-grade Social Studies students Ross Orndorff, Jada Robinson and Taylor Carman. Mrs. Lionikis was recently named the Kaiserslautern District 2005 Teacher of the Year.

June 3, 2005 ×


Jazz tribute

Jazz tribute

***image1***Ramstein American High School jazz band members – senior Ben Eller, junior Nick Pettit, senior Josh Brunson, and senior Jorge Paz – perform May 19 in the school gym during a surprise concert in honor of band director Kent Yardley, retiring after 40 years with Department of Defense Dependent Schools.

June 3, 2005 ×


Snug as a bug

Snug as a bug

***image1***Pfc. Melissa Choate, U.S. Army Europe Center for Health Promotion and Preventative Medicine, shares a very large beetle May 23 with Ramstein American Elementary School first-grade students Alexis Lyn, Rachel Barfield, Kirsten McCorquodale, Jeremiah Wilson and Dayton Jenison.

June 3, 2005 ×


Tramping abroadMiddle schoolers take on Italy

Tramping abroad
Middle schoolers take on Italy

Meghan Hagan
Eighth grade Landstuhl Elementary and Middle School

Jane Bellieu, Landstuhl Elementary and Middle School Spanish and Italian teacher and Foreign Language Club sponsor, had been trying to get a student study trip to Italy on the road for two years, but the trip was always cancelled for security reasons. Finally, the approval came through.

June 3, 2005 ×


High school student publishes fantasy novel

High school student publishes fantasy novel

Sheri Byrd, Story and photo
Kaiserslautern American

Some people dream for a lifetime of seeing their name as author on a book cover. For Ramstein American High School senior Brianna Shaver, the dream became reality in March of this year, just as she begins to pursue other career dreams.

June 3, 2005 ×




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May 27, 2005 ×