

International entertainer visits local school

International entertainer visits local school

Sharon Emerling
Contributing Writer

Landstuhl Elementary and Middle School students, grades pre-kindergarten to fifth-grade, enjoyed a performance by family entertainer, Dan Crow, recently at the school.

March 26, 2004 ×


Intramural volleyball games

Betsy Allen
435th Services Squadron

435th Services Squadron Fitness Centers’ intramural volleyball season began March 1 and 25 teams are competing. As of March 11, five teams are undefeated and tied for first place in the National League: 435th Communications Squadron; 435th Vehicle Readiness Squadron; U.S. Air Forces in Europe Computer Systems Squadron; 435th Construction […]

March 19, 2004 ×


High school coach helps teachers get in shape

Aaron Scalise
Contributing writer

Coach Brant Tryon, a physical education teacher at Kaiserslautern American High School, not only teaches his students the importance of exercise, he instructs the teachers too. Coach Tryon began a weekly full-body conditioning and aerobic workout class in the high school gymnasium. Leading teachers, students, military members and other willing […]

March 19, 2004 ×


Sembach students enjoy puppet show

Sembach students enjoy puppet show

Jamie Huey
Contributing writer

***image1***Students at Sembach Eleme-ntary school were treated to the puppetry of Markie Scholz on March 3. Founder of “Dragons Are Too Seldom Puppet Company,” Ms. Scholz and her puppets travel more than 65,000 miles every year to perform for students across the world. Ms. Scholz said not only does she […]

March 19, 2004 ×


Landstuhl students donate to ‘Soldiers Closet’

Sharon Emerling
Contributing writer

Despite walking through snow and slush, giving clothes away on a cold winter’s day turned out to be a warming experience for students at the Landstuhl Elementary and Middle School. Annie Shay Lester’s third-grade class recently participated in a “citizenship in action” trip when they went to the Landstuhl Regional […]

March 12, 2004 ×


Educator leads accreditation board

Nancy Hammack, principal of Ramstein American Middle School, was recently elected as Chair Elect of the Board of Trustees of the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement for the 2004 to 2005 school year. She will assume the role of chair in the 2005 to 2006 school […]

March 12, 2004 ×


Students celebrate love of reading – Dr. Seuss turns 100

Students celebrate love of reading – Dr. Seuss turns 100

Sembach Annex was awash in whimsical red and white hats as the students at the Sembach Elementary School participated in the nation

March 12, 2004 ×


100 days and counting!

100 days and counting!

***image1***Brooke, Jacqueline and Kimberly, fifth-grade students at the Ramstein American Inter-mediate School, put the finishing touches on their 100th Day projects. The students in Julia Smith’s fifth-grade class celebrated the 100th day of school recently by enjoying a variety of activities that involved subjects across the curriculum. All activities completed […]

March 5, 2004 ×


Renovation ends, school resumes

The Landstuhl Elementary and Middle School opened its newest addition recently. After a long wait, 10 new classrooms dedicated mostly to the sixth-grade student population are now complete.
The new classrooms were a real necessity at the school.

March 5, 2004 ×


Artist makes impression on students

Artist makes impression on students

Sharon Emerling
Contributing writer

The Landstuhl Elementary and Middle School was recently the host to artist in residence, Vidabeth Bensen.

March 5, 2004 ×