

Graduation day

Graduation day

***image1***(Left to right) Jennifer Edwards, Holli Hampton, Samantha Hewitt and Kate Piesciewicz celebrate their graduation from Ramstein American High School. Every year, the high school has students who meet the necessary requirements for receiving their high school diploma at the end of the first semester. Several graduates plan to get […]

February 13, 2004 ×


Dental Health Month – February offers children reason to smile

Dental Health Month – February offers children reason to smile

Christine June
415th Base Support Battalion

February is a month full of smiles.
The National Children

February 13, 2004 ×


Students win local spelling bee

Sharon Emerling
Contributing writer

Louie Coyle, a seventh-grader at Landstuhl Elementary and Middle School, finished first in the annual Ecapts Spelling Bee held at the school by correctly spelling the word

February 13, 2004 ×


AVID program teaches vital communication skills

AVID program teaches vital communication skills

Rebecca Ryburn
Contributing writer

During her freshman year at Kaisers-lautern American High School, Katie Robinson might have been described as shy, and perhaps, lacking self-confidence. But, as a sophomore this year, she

February 13, 2004 ×


Kingfish sweep divisional championships

Kingfish sweep divisional championships

Patricia Rossman
Kaiserslautern Kingfish

What a final performance for the Kaiserslautern Kingfish as they swam their way to a season-ending victory at the Benelux Divisional Championships held at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Belgium Jan. 25.

February 6, 2004 ×


Law class students hold mock trial

Students in teacher Teresa Hahn

February 6, 2004 ×


Improvements at elementary school continue

Improvements at elementary school continue

Aaron Scalise
Kaiserslautern Elementary School

Take away the cold and a few inches of snow, have the rain and wind subside, let the temperatures warm up a bit, and Kaiserslautern Elementary School children will have access to three unique and wonderful new outside play areas.

February 6, 2004 ×


Pasta fazul!

Pasta fazul!

***image1***Cortney Pritchard, Charles Harmon and Christian Cabigas, students in Dorla Graczyk’s third grade class at Ramstein American Intermediate School watch as Master Sgt. James Pritchard, U.S. Air Forces in Europe, command fuels war reserve material superintendent and parent, serves his specialty spaghetti and meatballs. Sergeant Pritchard prepared the treat for […]

January 30, 2004 ×


School bus safety policy strongly enforced

Good order among students on the bus is fundamental to safety.
Safe student transportation is one of Department of Defense Dependent Schools Europe

January 30, 2004 ×


Students enjoy German opera

Rebecca Ryburn
Contributing writer

Students from Kaiserslautern American High School

January 23, 2004 ×