

KMC Job Shadow Day scheduled for April 27

KMC Job Shadow Day scheduled for April 27

Courtesy of KMC School Liaison Office

It is that time of year again! Job Shadow Day is upon us and we are
excited about the possibilities of

April 20, 2012 ×


2012 Summer Hire program accepting applications

Courtesy of U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs


April 20, 2012 ×


Culinary arts students tour dining facility

Culinary arts students tour dining facility

by Sgt. Michael Reinsch
U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs

Culinary arts students from Kaiserslautern High School visited the Clock
Tower Cafe dining facility on Kleber Kaserne March 30 for a kitchen
tour and to see firsthand how everything works in a restaurant setting.

April 13, 2012 ×


Around KMC Schools

Around KMC Schools

April 13, 2012 ×


Young people learn life skills through D.A.R.E.

Young people learn life skills through D.A.R.E.

Story and photo by Rick Scavetta
U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern

Juggling red balloons symbolized life

April 13, 2012 ×


You belong ‘@ Your Library’ this National Library Week

You belong ‘@ Your Library’ this National Library Week

Whether you are a job seeker looking for resources to land a new job, a
parent looking for free activities for children or a student searching
for your next favorite book, you belong

April 13, 2012 ×


Stuttgart Spring Fest

Stuttgart Spring Fest

by Nicole Karsch-Meibom
Contributing writer

Those who know about it are counting the days until it

April 6, 2012 ×


Almond blooms an der Weinstraße

by Brendon Robbeloth
Contributing writer

The wine season is officially upon us. It seems a strange assertion to
make that at any time of the year in Germany wine is considered out of
season. But it is, at least technically, in the colder, winter months.

April 6, 2012 ×


KHS FBLA racks up medals

KHS FBLA racks up medals

Future Business Leaders of America is the largest and oldest business student organization in the world.

March 23, 2012 ×


Vogelweh Youth of the Year

The 86th Force Support Squadron congratulates Andre Tuzo, who was
recently named Vogelweh Youth Programs

March 23, 2012 ×