Rogues FInal game saturday
April 27 saw RAF Ramstein Rogues take on a very tough opponent when they played long-time rival Trier Rugby Football Club in an exciting and tense game which went to the wire.
April 27 saw RAF Ramstein Rogues take on a very tough opponent when they played long-time rival Trier Rugby Football Club in an exciting and tense game which went to the wire.
Athletes, coaches and parents gathered to recognize swimmers
Expecting parents spend time and money making every attempt to ensure the arrival of a healthy baby, but they may not realize the effects their social activities can have. Addiction to alcohol resulting in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome remains the number one cause for mental retardation.
Members of the 569th, 786th and 435th security forces will join local
national police members May 11 in the annual heart run, a charity run to raise money for the Rwanda National Refugee Hospitals.
The American girls stand in contrast to their German competition in the
11-team Südwest Bezirksliga soccer league. Most obvious for the girls,
ages 12 to 14, is the language difference. Only the coach, Ramstein
High School Teacher Deb Mol, and three of the players speak German.
Then there are the yearly changes in players, created by frequent moves
of military and DOD civilian families.
“Healthy, physically active students learn better!” That is the key message all physical education teachers in the KMC want to express in honor of May – National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. To achieve that goal, the National Association for Sport and Physical Education urges parents, schools and communities to […]