by Robert Baldwin
contributing writer
Paced by 10-year-old Leon Pierre-Louis’ European Forces Swim League record 30.56 in the 50 freestyle, the Kaiserslautern Kingfish Swimming Club outdistanced a six-team field at its home meet at the Ramstein Aquatic Center, Jan. 5. Pierre-Louis was one of seven Kingfish to earn three first place finishes, joining his sibling […]
January 10, 2019 ×
by Robert Baldwin
contributing writer
With senior leadership, experience and feisty supporting casts leading the way, the Ramstein boys and Kaiserslautern girls both came away victorious in their crosstown basketball rivalries. Ramstein senior Jake Fraley looks for the open man as Kaiserslautern’s Jovaine Ebanks applies the pressure. Ramstein’s senior leaders Naser Eaves and Gabe Fraley […]
December 13, 2018 ×
by Robert Baldwin
contributing writer
For the Kaiserslautern boys and girls basketball teams, playing the game was the easy part. They both won, but it was a road trip they would rather forget. Because of nasty winter weather and the subsequent traffic slowdown on the autobahn and some transportation issues, a trip to Vilseck that […]
December 6, 2018 ×
by Thomas Warner
contributing writer
Ramstein completed the high school football season undefeated with a 30-12 win over Lakenheath, securing the 2018 Division I title after the Royals lost in the title game last year and making it clear to all that they are the gold standard among all DODEA football schools. Dominique Arizpe might […]
November 15, 2018 ×