More is fun, but less is better, healthier
Food is meant to be enjoyed, but eating less is the key to weight
management and disease prevention, according to the 2010 Dietary
Guidelines for Americans.
Food is meant to be enjoyed, but eating less is the key to weight
management and disease prevention, according to the 2010 Dietary
Guidelines for Americans.
Airman 1st Class Zachary R. Cuddeback, known to his co-workers and
friends as
To excel at any sport, an athlete must have perseverance and dedication.
For a female competing in an all-male sport, those qualities become
increasingly evident.
To define greatness, one can debate it as a quality of being great,
distinguished or eminent. But to define greatness in sports, it comes
down to combining ability with a specific achievement.
When the spotlight was on him, Tech. Sgt. Charles Baker choked his
opponent until he passed out, giving Baker a submission and victory at
the recent International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Foundation
Former members of the Miami Dolphins and six of their cheerleaders
visited Ramstein Feb. 9 to visit with troops and throw down on a little
flag football.
The Kaiserslautern Kingfish swim team was crowned the 2011-2012 European
Forces Swim League Rhineland Division champions Saturday at the
Ramstein Aquatic Center.
As with all sports, there comes a time when athletes go from budding
prospect to rising star. It also marks a time when those stars
transition from stardom and enter the next chapter in their life.
“If you win something and you haven’t put everything into it, you haven’t actually achieved anything at all,” said one gold medalist swimmer. “When you’ve had to work hard for something and you’ve got the best you can out of yourself on that given day, that’s where you get satisfaction […]