Avoid common PT test training errors
As spring nears, Soldiers across the Army are gearing up for physical
fitness tests. There are probably many Soldiers who are worried they may
not pass.
Tips to help kids develop healthy habits
March is National Nutrition Month and with that comes an increased focus
on healthy eating. Nutrition is an integral part of health in all
individuals, especially in children. This month take some time to assess
your eating habits and how they may be affecting your child.
The basic steps for a healthy mouth
Is sitting in the dental chair one of your favorite pastimes? If you are
currently nodding your head, feel free to disregard the following
Free Professional Hockey Tickets
The Army, Air Force, Adler Alliance (A4) has distributed over 600
professional hockey tickets to military members and their families
during the current 2010/2011 hockey season.
Whining today, healthy smiles for a lifetime
Every day of every year it is important to make sure children and their
parents work together to develop healthy dental habits. February is
National Children
KMC Eagles win USAFE title
The KMC Eagles recently won their third straight U.S. Air Forces in
Europe Ice Hockey Championship. The Eagles finished first out of 10
teams competing in this year