Cell phones for Soldiers

Brittany and Robbie Bergquist (center) talk to Pfc. Travis Shinaberry (left) and Pvt. 2 Kenny Flemming both from A Company, 3rd Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment, about the Cell Phones for Soldiers program they founded in 2004. The Bergquists visited the Baumholder Post Exchange Feb. 3 to hand out free phone cards to Soldiers. The cards are funded by collecting old cell phones and recycling them. The money earned by recycling goes to purchase the phone cards. Through generous donations and the recycling of used cell phones the brother and sister have distributed thousands of calling cards to Soldiers worldwide. “Cell Phones for Soldiers started as a small way to show our family’s appreciation for the men and women who have sacrificed the day-to-day contact with their own families to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces,” said the teens’ father, Bob Bergquist.