Chapel holds National Prayer Luncheon Feb. 11

by Chaplain (Capt.) Kelvin Francis
86th Airlift Wing Chaplain

The Ramstein Chapel will sponsor the 86th Airlift Wing’s National Prayer Luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Feb. 11 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. The guest speaker will be retired Maj. Gen. Charles Baldwin, former Air Force chief of chaplains.

This year’s National Prayer event at Ramstein will be a luncheon; however, the original prayer events were held as breakfasts. The first U.S. government prayer breakfast groups were initiated in 1942 in the Senate and House of Representatives. Since then, smaller groups of representatives have continued these weekly meetings to pray and discuss the daily spiritual needs of the country.

In 1952, members of the Senate and House prayer groups established the first presidential prayer breakfast with President Dwight D. Eisenhower. They gathered to seek divine guidance for the national leadership and to reaffirm faith and dependence on God.

In 1970, the name was changed to “The National Prayer Breakfast” to emphasize the purpose of the gathering, rather than the individuals involved.

The annual breakfast occurs every year after Congress convenes. It draws together the president and vice president and members of the Cabinet, Supreme Court, Congress and Diplomatic Corps.

It also includes leaders in business, labor, education and science from every state in the union. The armed forces with military leaders from each of the military departments are also present.

Though the political, economic, philosophical and religious viewpoints represented in the group are many and varied, the result is a fellowship of concerned friends, dedicated to recognizing the moral and spiritual values upon which this nation was founded.

Ramstein’s National Prayer Luncheon will begin with prayers offered by chaplains from various faith groups and will be followed with lunch. The buffet style lunch includes sliced London broil, roasted stuffed chicken, pecan and blue cheese salad, cesar salad, garlic mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes, balsamic grilled vegetables and cheesecake.

After lunch, Baldwin will encourage the group to stay connected to their faith and traditions through his message, titled, “Faithbook.”

The price for the luncheon is $5. For reservations, contact your first sergeant or call the Ramstein North Chapel at 480-6148.