Check out the KMC ski clubs!

by Jen Spencer, Contributing writer

Photo24cFor many, summer is the time to do fun outdoor activities, such as swimming, hiking, biking and barbecuing. The summer months are great, and it’s when most folks have all their fun. The rest of the year is often spent bemoaning the cold and dreary winter months. But wait! It doesn’t have to be like that! If you know where to look and where to go, winter in Europe can be even more fun than summer. 

Lucky for you, there are great ski and boarding clubs in the KMC that will help to ensure your winter is far from boring.

The KMC is fortunate to have not one, but two ski clubs offering trips to some of the greatest ski areas in Europe. If you have never skied or boarded before, you might at first write this opportunity off, but before you do, keep in mind a couple of things.

First, many of our members join simply for the camaraderie and opportunity to meet and make new friends, as well as for the opportunity to travel to beautiful Alpine villages.

Second, many of our members are at the early stages of skiing and boarding and are beginners themselves — it’s never too late to learn! So, take a look at the clubs the KMC has to offer!

The Kaiserslautern-Westpfalz Ski Club is a small club, geared toward families and people who enjoy a low key, quieter crowd. But don’t let that fool you, this club is all about having a wonderful ski experience. The Kaiserslautern-West Pfalz Ski Club meets from 6 to 8 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Bistrorante Paradox in Ramstein-Miesenbach. For complete club information, visit or “like” them on Facebook.

The Tannenbaum Ski Club is a larger club, geared toward singles and couples of all ages who enjoy a very energetic crowd. The members like to have fun, and they have an infectious spirit that can make a ski trip an unforgettable experience. The Tannenbaum Ski Club meets from 6 to 8 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Belgian Club, Bldg. 308 on Ramstein. Find more information, visit or “like” them on Facebook.

Membership in both clubs is open to ID cardholders who have a desire to be a part of a fun club, make lasting friendships and to get out and enjoy Europe. Each club holds twice monthly socials from September through May. The socials feature trip sign-ups, entertainment, refreshments and a chance to hobnob with fellow enthusiasts.

Photo24a Photo24bThe beauty of ski clubs is the convenience they provide to their members. A trip captain is assigned to each trip. The trip captain is responsible for running and organizing all aspects of the trip from sign-ups to hotel and transportation arrangements. All you have to do is sign up, make your payment and get to the departure point. After loading, you’ll settle in your seat and enjoy the ride. Both clubs provide food and beverages on the bus. Depending on the location of the hotel, the trip captain may collect lift pass money and purchase the passes for you on the first day. Trip captains will provide you with departure times, meal times and other needed assistance. Sometimes the lifts are within walking distance from the hotel, sometimes you’ll take public transportation, and sometimes the group will use their own bus to get to the lifts, it all depends on the location. When the weekend comes to an end, the bus will return you to the original parking area.

The cost of each trip varies. The price for most trips includes bus transportation, hotel, breakfast and dinner, and food and beverages on the bus. You’ll be responsible for paying for your lift ticket, lunch on the slopes and drinks at dinner. Bus trips usually depart on Friday afternoon and, depending on the weekend, will return Sunday or Monday evening. Trips can take anywhere from six to nine hours, depending on the destination.

Both ski clubs provide its members with not only an opportunity to ski Europe, but to see and do other interesting things as a group. For example, the clubs also take trips to Oktoberfest, area wine fests and on adventure trips.

You owe it to yourself to take advantage of the opportunities the area ski clubs offer. If you haven’t been to the Alps in winter, you’re missing out on one of Mother Nature’s wonders.

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