Civil Engineers’ Corner

KMC litter patrol
The familiar sight of the Schumacher company employees in their green uniforms emptying all the exterior waste receptacles and picking up trash around base is a thing of the past. It must now be replaced with Team Ramstein members doing their best to keep our community clean.

In an effort to meet reduction goals, the KMC Litter Patrol contract has been discontinued as of April 1 in all areas except for military family housing areas. This increases the responsibility of each individual working and living on KMC installations to clean up after themselves and make sure others do also, in order to keep the bases looking their best.  This includes work locations as well as KMC community areas like the Base Exchange and sports fields.

KMC smoke detector policy
Housing occupants shall not disable smoke detection systems in their quarters, for any reason.

If you have any problems with the detectors, immediately contact housing maintenance at 0631-534-830.  If the problems persist after the contractor performs maintenance, occupants may contact the Housing Office at 489-7108 or 06315-36-6029

Free mulch available  
 Do you like to garden but hate the ever increasing cost of mulch? Do you like to receive first-class material for free? Lab tested and quality assured mulch available to KMC residents at no cost! 

Simply go to Bldg. 64, across the road from the ELVIS (East Large Vehicle Inspection Site) Gate, and pick it up.  The only requirement is a means of transporting the material: bag, bucket, trailer, etc.  Shovels and a front end loader available on site.  Have yard waste in need of disposal?  Site also accepts any biodegradable waste to include leaves, grass, tree limbs, and stumps. 
Operating hours: Monday to Friday 8 to 11:30 a.m. and 12:15 to 4 p.m. The 435th CES environmental flight can be reached at 480-5086/7279.

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