Club 100: Stay active, watch your eating habits

by Maj. Lisa Tauai
Ramstein HAWC

Every month, KMC members who score a perfect 100 (testing in all categories) on their official Air Force Fitness Assessment are recognized with a certificate or letter of recognition and their story in the base newspaper.

Last month, we highlighted a member who takes a year-round approach to maintaining excellent fitness.

This month, we talked with Capt. Claude Poole who has been preparing for a rigorous triathlon and has received his second perfect fitness assessment score along the way.

Capt. Claude Poole
3rd Air Force Execution Plans Branch chief

PT Score: 100 percent, in April

Q: What is your background/
experience with fitness/exercise?

A: I have exercised my whole life. Growing up, I was into all kinds of sports, such as soccer, wrestling, basketball, baseball and track. Currently, I am training for a triathlon, which involves a 1.2 mile swim, 56 miles of cycling and a half marathon.

Q: What did you do to prepare for your fitness assessment this year?

A: I primarily prepare for the run portion of my PT test. I do speed work such as running half a mile with a goal of three minutes, jogging for a quarter of a mile and then running another half a mile with a goal of three minutes. I do this drill three to five times once every week. To prepare for the crunches piece of the assessment, I do decline sit-ups with weights once a week. Swimming has helped me prepare for the push-up component of the assessment.

Q: What other workouts do you engage in throughout the course of the week?

A: I currently work out seven days a week in preparation for my July triathlon. My schedule consists of:
• Mondays — lifts weights and one hour of cycling.
• Tuesdays — one hour of swimming and six to eight miles of running.
• Wednesdays — one hour of cycling.
• Thursdays — one hour of swimming and six to eight miles of running.
• Fridays — one hour of swimming.
• Saturdays — Long run of 10 to
12 miles.
• Sundays — 40 miles of cycling.

Q: How do you eat to maintain this high level of activity?

A: I try to eat healthy and keep my fat intake to three grams of fat for every 100 calories. I eat whole/fresh foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grain breads/cereals. I also try to stay away from processed foods except for the occasional wings or pizza. It is all about moderation.

Q: Has your weight changed over this year?

A: I gained some weight after a permanent change of station, which got my attention. I began running (and) that has led to my interest in triathlons.

Q: How do you eat pre- and post-workout?

A: Before I workout, I try not to eat too much. Typically, I eat something like oatmeal and eat 1.5 to 2 hours before my workout to prevent an upset stomach. After my workout, I drink a smoothie (frozen fruit, yogurt, fruit juice and a couple scoops of protein powder). After my evening workout, I drink some chocolate milk.

Q: What do you eat during long workouts (i.e. an hour or more)?

A: During long workouts, I drink primarily water. I also take gel packs with me during long cycling and
running workouts.

Q: Is there any tips that you would like to pass on to your fellow Airmen when it comes to staying healthy and physically fit?

A: Stay active and watch what you eat.

Final words:
Staying active and watching what you eat really sums it all up.

Captain Poole is a great example of an Airman who has embraced overall fitness and nutrition as part of his daily life. He has been active all of his life and strives to further improve his physical fitness level through preparing for an upcoming triathlon. This is why he is our Athlete of the Month and a member of Club 100.

Will you be next?