Col. Weathers says goodbye to the wing he stood up

Col. Rich Weathers
38th Combat Support Wing

When we stood up the 38th CSW on that sunny day in May of 2004 at the
Berlin Wall, my staff totaled five people with no computers, building,
furniture or phones.  Despite the lack of resources and people, I
knew the commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe had given me a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – standing up and commanding a
wing.  Twenty-three months later, with the help of each and every
one of the 2,900 military and civilian personnel assigned to the 38th
CSW, we have established a world-class wing like no other.

The challenge given to me by then Gen. Robert “Doc” Foglesong, former
USAFE commander, was to ensure that all 38th CSW personnel assigned to
our 31 geographically separated units in nine countries throughout
Europe were well supported and had the resources they needed to be
successful in their varied missions.  By all accounts, MISSION
As proof, here are just a few of the many wing accomplishments:

We trained over 1,200 mid-level combat warriors along with nearly 2,000
Airmen during seven Silver Flag exercises, giving Airmen crucial
training needed for deployments; completed 92 projects in 11 countries
totaling $22.4 million; received USAFE’s “Best ever” Nuclear Surety
Inspection; supported over 93,000 missions and 54,000 passengers in
support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom;
provided MPF and financial support to over 1,500 Air Force personnel
assigned to NATO; best large contracting squadron in the Air Force;
best antiterrorism program in DOD; and we went from last to first in

My wife, CP, and I have thoroughly enjoyed our time here but it’s now
time to move on.  Col. Earl Matthews and his wife Nadia will no
doubt do well at the 38th CSW and I know you all will give them the
same level of support and dedication you’ve given us.

We are honored and blessed to have had the opportunity to serve with
such dedicated professionals!  Thanks for what you’ve done over
the last two years and for what is yet to come. Without a doubt you are
the best!  Godspeed!