Combat Comm helps boy scouts earn badges

by Tech. Sgt. Ethan Meldrom
1st Combat Communications Squadron

Recently, 15 Airmen from the 1st Combat Communications Squadron’s Bravo Flight
volunteered in support of the Transatlantic Council’s Annual Cub Scout Day Camp, held at Sembach.

The annual camp gave 150 young scouts an opportunity to earn advancement and merit badges for their troop. Activities included archery fundamentals, BB gun firing, wood and Styrofoam crafts, basic scouting skills and various sporting events. The main objective was to have fun while being safe.

“This cub scout camp presented Combat Comm with an excellent chance to give back to the community,” said Chief Master Sgt. Tim Horn, 1st CBCS Bravo Flight superintendent.

“It was a great experience for our young Airmen and it means a lot to these young scouts to be taught and mentored by such an enthusiastic group of volunteers,” he added.

Another flight member, Staff Sgt. J.C. Rainey, led a group of boys in various events throughout the week.

“The highlight of my week was taking my group on a 30-minute hike through the woods and pointing out wild plants and insects,” he said. “It felt good teaching youth how to take care of the environment.”

The week’s outcome was 150 boys earning advancement, making new friends and learning valuable skills … and 15 volunteers taking great satisfaction in the successes of their scouts.

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