Combined Federal Campaign kicks off

Christine June
415th Base Support Battalion

***image1***The 2004 Combined Federal Campaign began overseas Monday and will run through Dec. 15.

“CFC is important because it is the one time of the year that all federal employees have the opportunity to contribute to important charities,” said the 415th Base Support Battalion Commander Lt. Col. Erik O. Daiga. “Through this program, everyone benefits.”
Almost four million federal employees and active-duty personnel have the opportunity to contribute to more than 1,500 national and international nonprofit agencies during this three-month fund-raising campaign.

Assisting Soldiers and Army civilians here are the 415th BSB’s CFC coordinator, Tony Jones, and CFC assistant coordinator, Kimberly Birdsong. The coordinators work with unit coordinators and unit key personnel in each Army command within the KMC.
“This campaign will be run with the utmost care and dedication,” said Mr. Jones, who has contributed to CFC for the past 27 years. “The scope of the responsibilities is enormous. The main thrust of the job is to seek financial assistance to various agencies who offer assistance in time of crisis.”

The 415th BSB’s goals for this year’s drive is to make sure all KMC Soldiers and Army civilians have been contacted and to raise more money than they did last year, which was more than $54,000.

“We plan to work closely with each unit in our footprint,” said Ms. Birdsong, who has contributed to CFC for the past 12 years. “Currently, unit coordinators are appointing their key persons and getting the word out by setting aside time during the day to make Soldiers and civilians are aware of this year’s CFC drive.”

Those who want to contribute to the agency or agencies listed in the CFC-Overseas booklet can do so in cash, by check or by payroll deduction. Contributions can be divided among as many agencies as donors want to designate on their pledge cards.
For more information, call Mr. Jones at 489-6513 or Ms. Birdsong at 489-6121, or e-mail or

There is also a CFC-Overseas Web site at

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