In an emergency situation, Airmen from the command post are behind the scenes briefing important information to commanders. Much like in action movies, such as “The Avengers” or “Transformers,” there is a control center of some type with Airmen or other military members working diligently to resolve issues.
Fortunately for the 86th Airlift Wing Command Post, they don’t have to deal with giant metal robots or an Asguardian on a power trip, both trying to take over Earth.
In order to provide command and control to commanders, Airmen from the command post are the eyes, ears and mind getting information disseminated appropriately.
“We handle all emergency notifications; anything from accidents to weather issues,” said Airman 1st Class Jarrett Perry, 86th AW/CP emergency actions controller. “We are the first ones to know when something happens. Command post is the brain of it all and we disseminate the information we receive to resolve any conflict.”
Being in the command post can be a stressful and intimidating job due to the need to get information out as quickly as possible, especially in emergency situations.
“Even though this is a stressful job, being able to have a close bond with the people I work with is a huge help,” Perry said. “We are like a family here and if one person is going through a tough time, we help them out.”
With a six-week technical school and additional certifications and evaluations, Airmen in the command post are constantly training to ensure mission readiness.
“Training is key,” said Tech. Sgt. Marco Nario, 86th AW/CP training NCOIC. “We have to ensure we are good to go at a moment’s notice. We have to be able to know our AFIs and directives in order to perform our duties. We are tested monthly on our job where we need to score above a 90 to stay certified.”
Staying organized and proactive helps with any challenge, continued Nario. Everyone talks to each other and flips through the check lists to see how things can be improved.
Being at the largest command post in Europe with several locations around base, the Airmen who work there are more than base operators or the people who talk on the big voice. There is more to them than meets the eye.
“What people don’t realize is we are in the business of saving lives,” Perry said. “When it hits the fan, we have to be sure we know our job because there could be lives on the line.”
Even with the emergency situations and stressful events, Airmen from the command post still find the job rewarding.
“I love the job. I couldn’t imagine myself doing anything else in the Air Force,” Perry said. “It’s very rewarding and I get to see the effect I have on the mission.”