Commander’s Action Line

***image1***The Action Line is your link to help answer questions and concerns about life in the KMC. When normal command agency channels haven’t been able to resolve your concerns, send me an e-mail. Only e-mails that are genuinely applicable across the community are addressed in the Kaiser-slautern American. Send e-mails to the To receive a reply, please include your name, address (or workplace) and phone number.

– Brig. Gen. Rosanne Bailey
435th Air Base Wing,
KMC commander

I have been at Ramstein for two years and I have heard nothing but horror stories about the outbound assignments office. But now that I’m getting ready to PCS, I’m experiencing this first hand. Their phone number, 480-5539, is constantly busy, and I mean constantly busy. The reason I know this is because one day I called that office about 40 to 50 times throughout my workday — busy all day. So I decided to call at about 9 p.m. before I went to bed — phone was busy. I tried again at work the following day around 5 a.m. — the phone was busy! This tells me that office keeps the phone off the hook intentionally. Is this legal and what can be done about this? People PCSing out of Ramstein need to be able to call that office to have questions answered and get information, do follow-up, etc.
Thank you for bringing this important issue to light. The military personnel flight leadership has been aware of the phone problem for some time and has taken several steps to improve service. The outbound office installed three separate phone systems in the past six months, and unfortunately, none of them completely solved the issue. Recently, the latest system change was installed to accommodate the high volume of calls and we have also added a part-time counselor. Presently customers can phone into outbound and the relay system will take them directly to their counselor’s desk — feedback our customers said they wanted. We have seen dividends already paid in more immediate responses available to the customer and we certainly expect this trend to continue in the future.
Customers can reach the outbound office as well as the DEROS manager at 480-5539 and selecting the applicable extension for their counselor. Customer care hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

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