Commander’s Action Line

Col. Don

QFrom my understanding, most bases that have pools normally allow for free lap swimming in the morning for military members. However, the new Ramstein Aquatic Center requires military members to pay to lap swim. Just like the fitness center is available for exercise at no cost, shouldn’t the RAC also be provided at no cost? What about military members that require low impact activities, like swimming, and need the facility to help meet their PT requirements?

A Thank you giving me a chance to address a question that I think many are asking. Yes, military members will have to purchase a pass to lap swim. The reason why this is different from other fitness facilities on base is the RAC was built with Non-Appropriated Funds from the Air Force Services Agency. This results in the RAC being designated a class ‘B” facility.

As a Category “B” facility we use a mix of Appropriated and NAF and must be financially self sustaining.  Except for the lifeguards, the entire staff is comprised of NAF employees.  In order to meet financial goals, we must charge customer entrance fees.  We charge fees to recover only verifiable NAF costs, such as cleaning, servicing or administering APF equipment items.    

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