Commander’s Action Line_01

Q On two occasions, I havebeen turned away from the Rhineland Inn Dining facility for bringing my family members with me. What is the base policy?

A Air Force-appropriated dining facilities are primarilyintended to provide a quality
and nutritious meal to the meal card holders that are not receiving basic allowance for subsistence and to provide a location for Services Airmen to develop and hone their wartime skills as food service workers.

Wing commanders can open the dining facilities to family members and retirees when they determine adequate alternatives (AAFES, NAF eateries, base restaurants) are not available on base. In this case, the KMC has adequate alternatives, so this option is not available.

Thank you for allowing me to address the attendance policy for the Rheinland Inn and Lindberghof dining facilities. The Commander’s Action Line gives KMC members a direct link to wing leadership.

The action line is a way for KMC members to ask a question or express a concern on the policies and procedures of the base, as well as discuss safety and security issues. To submit an action line, e-mail editor@ with “Action Line” as the subject.