Commander’s Action Line_11

***image1***QWhy is the Sembach Commissary closed on Monday and Tuesday each week? The majority of the population at Sembach work here Monday through Friday and we need the commissary open during the work week.


AThe Sembach community continues to be in a state of transition, which has caused consternation with all the customer service organizations as to exactly which are the best days and hours to be open to best serve the community.

The commissary’s current operating days and hours are based on the results of a survey of desires of the Sembach community; currently their highest sales day is Sunday. Each year, we conduct a survey to get feedback from our customers.

During the last customer survey, conducted in July 2007, approximately two-thirds of those surveyed responded that the current days and hours were convenient. The annual survey will be conducted again Monday to July 23 in your local KMC commissary and we will adjust service hours if needed based on the data we receive from our customers.

The Commander’s Action Line gives KMC members a direct link to wing leadership. The action line is a way for KMC members to ask a question or express a concern on the policies and procedures of the base, as well as discuss safety and security issues. To submit an action line, e-mail with “Action Line” as the subject.