Conserve resources for the future of planet

October is Energy Awareness Month. You have the power to conserve energy.

You can make a difference by saving energy.

It took more than 200 million years to form all of the oil beneath the surface of the earth. It has taken 200 years to consume half that endowment. If current rates of consumption continue, the world’s remaining resources of conventional oil will be used up in 40 years.

This would not be the end of fossil fuels. The world’s coal resources are much larger and there are vast amounts of unconventional fossil fuels, such as shale oil, tar sands and natural gas, trapped in ice beneath the ocean. At present, these energy resources would produce much harm to the environment and would be very expensive to use.

In the future, ways may be found to use some or all of these resources economically and without undue damage to the environment. Advanced technologies may be developed to produce clean, economical energy from other sources.

In the meantime, it makes sense to use fossil resources such as oil more efficiently to reduce environmental impacts and buy time to develop new and better energy sources.

Two-thirds of the oil we consume powers transportation vehicles and half goes to passenger cars and light trucks.

Being a fuel-economy conscious consumer doesn’t mean buying a car you don’t want. Shop around to find a vehicle that gives you all the features you want with the best fuel economy available. This will not only help conserve fuel today, but will signal carmakers to use advanced technology to make cars even more energy efficient in the future.

(Courtesy of the 86th Civil Engineer Squadron)

During Energy Awareness Month, an excursion to an energy-related site is offered from 5 to 8 p.m. Oct. 22:

Block-Heating Power Plant, Kaiserslautern

An educational lunch-time briefing is from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Oct. 28 in Bldg. 521:

Use the sun – free energy

For details and to register, call Anja Kempf-Urschel at 480-3723 or e-mail