Participants of the beer hike leading from Landstuhl to Kindsbach can take breaks along the route and try food specialties including salmon from the Finnish kota grill Saturday and Sunday.
The second culinary beer hike with brewer market will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. Sunday in Landstuhl and Kindsbach.
Along the 5-mile hiking route between Nanstein Castle in Landstuhl and the Bärenlochweiher pond in Kindsbach, six stations will offer various types of beer and culinary specialties.
“The emphasis is on beer, that’s why the food items offered are prepared with beer,” said Christoph Molter from the organizing event team. “A brewer market where regional small and private brewereies will serve their specialties will be set up around Nanstein Castle.”
The castle tavern will serve a Bavarian veal sausage breakfast, homemade pea soup with bread and steak sandwiches.
Near the overlook called “Herrengaertchen,” hikers can taste smoked pork and beef as well as smoked salmon from a Finnish kota grill.
“Our second culinary beer hike includes musical entertainment with a colourful potpourri of swing, jazz, rock ’n’ roll and traditional German folk music, planned by the Landstuhl music expert Franz Wosnitza,” Molter said.
To finance the musical program, hikers will have to buy a hiking pass for €5.50, or the beer pass for €8 at the information stands near the starting location at Nanstein Castle or the Baerenlochweiher pond in Kindsbach. With the beer pass, hikers can create their own beer tasting and get their glasses filled one time at each station for €1.50.
Parking facilities are in Landstuhl near the Rathaus or at Alter Markt, or in Kindsbach near Baerenlochweiher pond. Public transportation by train or busses will be available as well. For transportation options and times, visit www.bahn.de or www.saarpfalzbus.de.
For more information on this year’s hike and the brewer market, visit www.kulinarische-wanderung.de.