The Palatinate Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution are pleased to recognize three local seniors from the graduating class of 2020 with the prestigious Good Citizens Award. These students have consistently demonstrated the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism to an outstanding degree.

The recipients are: Emily Anne Stuart of Ramstein High School, Tresor Emmanuella Assa of Baumholder High School and Elizabeth Alena Ryktarsyk of Kaiserslautern High School. Each of these young women have contributed to the betterment of the schools, organizations and communities to which they belong and are also at the top of their graduating classes.
Emily Stuart has been a captain for the Kingfish Swim team for past four years and according to swim coach, Mistie Cottrill, “was always an athlete I recommended as an example or a role model for other swimmers.” Stuart was also an active participant in the RHS Student Council, a Writing Center tutor, a Deployment Buddy mentor, and a participant in the 2019 International Student Leadership Institute. She also volunteered at community events like the Ramstein Bazaar and the Post Office Holiday Helpers. According to Stuart, “It is important to be involved in society today because tomorrow it will be up to us to make the important decisions.”

Elizabeth Ryktarsyk has been the captain of the KHS Culinary Arts Competition team for the past two years, and according to her culinary arts teacher and golf coach, Mr. Andrew Dager, she led the Culinary Arts team to “an incredible performance producing results that were well beyond the capabilities of most high school culinary arts students.” Ryktarsyk was also on the golf team, and participated in STEMposium and student ambassadors at RHS. She was heavily involved in the music program of her church congregation and charitable activities such as serving food at a Hypothermia Shelter and volunteering at Vacation Bible School. According to Ryktarsyk, “The American youth are vital for our nation’s future; as such, it is incredibly important that they be inspired to engage as effective citizens for the sake of refining our country to become the best version of itself.”

Tresor “Emma” Assa is a native of the Ivory Coast and naturalized U.S. citizen. And according to her A.P. English Literature teacher, Ms. Heather Bohon-Donalson, in addition to the many local activities and leadership positions she holds, “Emma is also the founder of Ensemble, an organization dedicated to helping young mothers by collecting clothes, diapers, etc. and donating them to the local hospital at her previous home in the Ivory Coast. While Ensemble is only working locally for now, Emma’s goal is to take her organization worldwide.”
At BMS, Emma was a member of the basketball and soccer teams, President of Educator’s Rising, President of the ECO-friendly Club, AVID math tutor, Keystone, and JROTC Color Guard. In the local community, she is a key leader with the New Friendships Generation Program, teaching English and sharing American culture at the German Kindergarten in Rushberg. According to Assa, “Although, I am not originally American, I still have this country’s best interest at heart.”
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution was founded in 1890 to promote historic preservation, education and patriotism. Its members are descended from the patriots who won American independence during the Revolutionary War. With more than 185,000 members in approximately 3,000 chapters worldwide, DAR is one of the world’s largest and most active service organizations. DAR members are committed to volunteer service, having served more than 12.5 million hours in communities throughout the world during the past three years.
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