DAU-Germany offers full range of certification resident training courses

by Sheila Darrell
DAU Germany site manager and professor of contract management

The Defense Acquisition University is a best-in-class corporate university for the Defense Acquisition Workforce, accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education.

The DAU-Germany site, located in Bldg. 164 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks, provides a full range of basic, intermediate and advanced certification resident training courses in acquisition, contracting and logistics. The courses are offered to military and civilian personnel throughout Europe and other geographical areas supported by the U.S. European Command, including Africa and the Middle East. Contract employees may also attend the courses on a space-available basis.  

Prerequisites and registration information can be found online at www.dau.mil.  
Students should register for classes at least 60 days prior to class start date.  A supervisor’s approval may be required.  Priority is given to those in acquisition-coded positions, but opportunities may be available for others on a space-available basis.  

Below is the fiscal year 2011 schedule of courses for the DAU-Germany site.
For more information, visit the DAU Web site at www.dau.mil or call 489-6332 or 0631-536-6332.

CON 215: Intermediate Contracting for Mission Support — Jan. 4 to 13
CON 217: Cost Analysis and Negotiation Tech — Jan. 24 to 28
ACQ 201B: Intermediate Systems Acquisition —  Feb. 7 to 11
LOG 236: Performance-Based Logistics, Part B — Feb. 28 to March 4
CON 218: Advanced Contracting for Mission Support — March 7 to 18
CON 234: Contingency Contracting Course —  March 22 to April 1
CON 215: Intermediate Contracting for Mission Support — April 5 to 14
CON 120: Mission-Focused Contracting — May 2 to 13
ACQ 201B: Intermediate Systems Acquisition — May 16 to 20
CON 244: Construction Contracting Course — June 6 to 10
CON 353: Advanced Business Solutions for Mission Support — July 11 to 22
LOG 201: Intermediate Acquisition Logistics — July 25 to 29
LOG 236: Performance Based Logistics, Part B — Aug. 1 to 5
CON 218: Adv Contracting for Mission Support — Aug. 8 to 19
LOG 350: Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management — Aug. 23 to Sept. 2
FE 301: Facilities Engineering — Sept. 19 to 23