Do not underestimate German beer

by Tech. Sgt. Angelina Manby 86th Airlift Wing Safety Office

One of the many joys of living in Germany is the opportunity to sample a variety of German beer. Those who are connoisseurs have probably had wheat beers such as the “Weizenbier” or “Hefeweizen,” pale beers such as “Altbier” or “Pilsener,” or dark beers such as “Bock” or “Dunkles.” But what many Americans may or may not know is that the alcohol content of the German-made beers can be a lot higher than the typical American-made beer. Pay special attention to the Bock beer, which can have up to 16 percent alcohol content compared to the typical 5 percent alcohol by volume in other beers.

Not only do you have to pay attention to the alcohol content but also to the serving size of the beer container. Serving sizes for beer in Germany are typically larger than those in the U.S. If you’re not careful, a German beer can sneak up on you. Keep in mind, a 180-pound male who drinks a liter of German beer, or three U.S. domestic beers, can have an approximate blood alcohol content of 0.06 in one hour. The legal BAC limit in Germany is 0.05 compared to 0.08 in the United States.

Being aware of how much alcohol you consume while out on the town can be a task of its own. The excitement of enjoying tasty German beers can cloud judgement.

Unfortunately, poor judgement often leads to driving under the influence. In the KMC, there was an average of 176 DUI cases last year, which is equal to more than three cases every week. These DUI cases were only in the Kaiserslautern area.

To continue to fully enjoy the German-beer experience, it is always a good idea to preplan. A few ways to avoid drinking and driving is to always have a plan before going out. This means having a friend who isn’t drinking be the designated driver, asking ahead of time to stay over at a friend’s house or carrying extra cash for public transportation, to name a few options. There is also Airmen Against Drunk Driving, which is run by volunteers who pick up service members and family members then drop them off at home in case their original plans fail. The AADD phone number is available via the Ramstein smartphone app.

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