Drivers can now receive registration renewals by mail

Wesley Greene
435th Security Forces Squadron

***image1***Starting June 1, drivers will have a new option of having their annual vehicle re-registrations mailed to their Military Postal Service mailing address.
The process is fairly simple, at the 75-day point prior to the registration expiration, people can take their vehicles through the vehicle safety inspection. They should have received their renewal/inspection form from Headquarters, U.S. Army Europe Registry of Motor Vehicles. If people have not received their renewal/inspection form, the AE Form 190-1AA USAREUR vehicle registration application can be used.
People can obtain forms at the Kapaun Vehicle Registration office in Bldg. 2806; Ramstein Pass and Registration in Bldg. 2111, or at Ramstein/Kapaun Vehicle Inspection stations. The form is also available from the Ramstein or HQ USAREUR Web pages at or
Once a vehicle passes the safety inspection, there are several options available. If a vehicle was inspected at the Kapaun Vehicle Inspection Station, there is now a registration clerk located within the station to process the renewal application on the spot.
Secondly, there is the annual renewal drop-off system. People should sign their stamped application form, attach a $15 check or money order and drop it off at one of the following locations: Ramstein Vehicle Inspection station in Bldg. 2136; Ramstein Pass and Registration, room 140 Bldg. 2111; Kapaun Inspection station, Bldg. 2807 and Kapaun Vehicle Registration in Bldg. 2806, at the front desk.
For mailed registrations, provide an envelope with members’ MPS mailing address when dropping off the form.
Whether people use the drop-off service, physically pick up the vehicle renewal or have it returned by mail, there must be at least two weeks (14 calendar days) remaining on the registration.
This ensures individuals receive the vehicle registration with no time lapse. Without a valid registration, it’s illegal to drive a vehicle or buy gas coupons and drivers must pay a $10 fine. If there are less than 14 calendar days left on the registration, people must wait in line and process the paperwork.
Unfortunately, there is always the remote possibility that the registration and decals could get lost in the military mail system. That is why it is important to write the address carefully on the envelope to minimize mistakes, and if the items don’t come back to you within three duty days of registration expiration, come in to the Kapaun vehicle registration section.
Registration and decals will be processed, mailed or made ready for pickup in 72 hours. As an additional service, people can be notified via e-mail when registration is complete if they supply an e-mail address. Registrations dropped off at Ramstein can be picked-up at pass and registration. Applications dropped off at Kapaun can be picked-up at vehicle registration in Bldg. 2806.

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